Yes, my kids are merciless with their teasing. The next poster wishes buildings were more intelligently designed to take advantage of natural heating & cooling.
Yes, when one starts to get full of crappy/junk email toss that and use another The next poster is enjoying a cool summer day somewhere
No... not anymore. I just had an incredibly sweet, juicy nectarine. The next poster has an odd talent.
Great presentation? Nearly always. Win an account? Wrong Biz. But congrats to you. The next poster has some hard physical labour ahead of them this weekend.
nope, have yet to decide on the first. [hard physical labor doesn't begin to describe it, samiam!] the next poster is nice and comfortable.
Not at the moment. Sitting in my computer chair with my feet propped up on a utility ladder. The next poster learned something new at work today.
I don't know. Is that the film's name or its release date? The next poster wishes Rancid13, wherever she is, a very happy Friday the Thirteenth.
Hmmmm.... I'd have to say no, just because I don't know Rancid13. The next poster is so bored at work, they're contemplating going down to the garage just to clean the car's windows...
well i'm not THAT bored. but i am bored. plans fell through and i am more than caught up with everything else. the next poster is looking forward to a big project this weekend.
Or three or four... I'm not sure if I'll be doing plumbing, electrical, or yard work. Or computer repair. The next poster is leaving work at noon today...
Why yes... as a matter of fact I am. The next poster within four hours, will be sitting by a pool at a resort with a drink in hand.
Not quite, seeing as I am fixing to go to bed. Within the next four hours I'm aiming to be sound asleep. The next poster has experienced the joys of a government shutting down two of the most popular cell phone providers in the country with very short notice due to alleged non-payment of license fees, leaving probably more than a million subscribers out hanging to dry, including everybody at your workplace, and you scrambling to provide an alternate means of communications - all on a Friday when your workplace closes early and people needing a mobile way to communicate over the weekend. What a fun day. I have a migraine that just won't quit!
Nope, can't say that I have. Sorry about your troubles, Itu. The next poster witnessed a confrontation at work today and tried to defuse it.