No, the girls only trip was last weekend--an out of town bridal shower. The next poster is thinking about taking self defense classes with her best friend.
i thought about it, then i started lifting heavier weights instead the next poster wishes their house would cool down some more.
yes---$312/mo. combined gas/electric here (on the "level payment plan"---a July AC month used to cost upwards of $450 by itself) the next poster has had the pleasure of owning and maintaining an inground pool
No, but a neighbour has a new above ground pool we're welcome to use. The next poster opens all the doors and windows when it's cool, and closes up the house in the heat of the day. (No AC bill here.)
I have windows open all the time. I can't stand a closed up, gloomy house. The next poster is not a morning person.
no, i'm not... i hate mornings. [gotta work the passive solar thing, we leave a CFL on during the day for our bird and keep the shades low] the next poster hates yogurt.
NOT a morning person... So why am I here NOW becomes the question... The next poster is only up now (9am CA time!) to take his/her/their dog out (and using that as an excuse for...amblyopia...psoriasis...rheumatiz...DAMN...CAN'T SLEEP...WHAT'S THAT CALLED AGAIN???) Ok next poster does not suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder... (edit...oops...hiya galaxee...) I LIKE yogurt, but the rest still remains...
Who would even know what real yoghurt IS, "organics"/"co-op" people excepted, around here? Surely, not Dannon or Mother Safeway, who sell candy disguised as yogurt. The next poster thinks that almost ALL PCers are OC, else why would we be doing this (except someone installing a block heater)?
Yes, I just got done with the wonderful job of putting my pictures from my recent outing to Ganvié, Benin online: The next poster has taken a boat to school at some point in their life.
Sure did - the damn thing was out of hand, and SOMEBODY had to slap it around. The next poster collects stuffed and/or mechanical monkeys.
No, I used to train them tho (gotta love those bananna pellets, yum!) The next poster just had a frustrating experience as a result of well-meaning technicians automating a process (video conference linking) that has worked perfectly well manually (for several years!) :blink:
No... but I know what you mean. Progress is not always for the best, is it? The next poster needs to water the bamboo plant on their desk. (Great pics ltu1542hvy. Thanks for sharing.)
no bamboo plants here. i do have an aloe vera in the living room, it's the only thing the cats won't eat! the next poster is counting down the days till they have some time off work. [excellent pics, ltu! what a very different world!]
Yes . . . how many more days til Saturday? Next poster got their first Fall catelog in the mail! My favorite time of the year is just around the corner.
One, then we're of to Toronto see Gordie Johnson's new band Grady. The next poster has unopened boxes from twenty years ago. (yes Itu, excellent pics of Ganvie!) Beat to the reply by busy AuntBee
No... none from 20 years ago, but certainly from a couple of years ago. The next poster would never think that peanut butter toast with blackberry jam would go so well with a glass of cabernet. (My dinner last night and it was yummy!)