<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Jul 8 2007, 11:23 PM) [snapback]475333[/snapback]</div> No. But I did give a good head scratching to a labrador/terrier mix male resident and a lab mix female houseguest. (They're both napping now.) The next poster is in the planning stages of some major home improvement.
Yes, well advanced. Demolition has begun. The next poster drove 1000 km this past weekend. (& could have make it on a single tank of petrol - but chickened out at the last bar of the gauge)
No... For once I actually didn't do much driving this weekend. The next poster had a dream last night that would make a good book or movie.
What was the name of the movie about the book that drove you mad if you read it? Ah, yes... In the Mouth of Madness. No one, least of all me, would want to go to a movie based on my dreams. Cross John Waters with MC Escher and Salvador Dali with a cheesy action flick, and wake up wondering "What the HELL was that about." Thank god my sub-conscious only gets to run loose when I'm asleep - it scares me. The next poster is back at work after a long Holiday weekend, and sucking down WAY too much coffee.
nope, i was here on friday so it wasn't a long weekend time wise. it was in terms of how much crap we got done though! i am free of my caffeine dependence... a rare achievement for a lowly grad student. the next poster took the middle of the day off. D)
Nope, worked like a dog all day long (Galaxee--My Maddie is short for Madelyn. She was almost a Madison though., but since she got a last name for a middle name too, her dad thought it sounded too much like a lawfirm!) Next poster is going to get the paint touched up on their Prius soon. Construction work around here is hard on vehicles.
I wish I still had my Prius, and if I did I would give the paint all the TLC that it would need. The old pickup truck that I drive here in Africa could use a new paintjob, and my moto (Chinese made imitation Suzuki AX-100 motorcycle) is only about 6 months old and its paint is still just fine. I did adjust the clutch on the moto yesterday evening. Now that the rainy season is just about over I will start riding the moto more instead of taking the truck and maybe once again have mileage similar to what I used to get with my dearly beloved Prissy. The next poster also has a motorcycle in addition to their primary transportation.
It's here. Parts of 'The Frozen North' could be 100F tomorrow. The next poster's thinking of installing a watering system.
nope, we don't have much for grass around here anyway. the next poster is feeling highly accomplished today.
Unfortunately true :angry: @#*X! The next poster is having difficulty working on the important things because of waves of administrivia washing up on their office door...
Oh yes, you are right my friend from the magical isles. I really need to fire up my business again. The next poster is going to burn off some frustration by taking a nice long bike ride.
Would the definition of 'old' flame include current spouses? The next poster thinks a surprise visit by an old flame could be very interesting.
no!! not my last "old flame" anyway the next poster feels like they're being pulled from 20 different directions.
Not really. I don't even watch T.V. that often. The next poster has been on an airplane in the previous month.