errrr, maybe, or sometimes, unless you mean three-mile island. The next poster was fairly devastated at last night's conclusion to the America's Cup regatta.
Uhh, isn't that the thing with sail boats? The next poster has never been to Thailand, and want's to go.
actually, i would love to go to thailand. when i was a kid, many of the kids i went to school with were refugees from laos or thailand. they had such a fascinating culture. and good food! the next poster can't wait to have a second car again.
nope but i did have a nice cold glass of filtered water. mmm! the next poster is surrounded by ice packs.
Nope. All of my ice packs are in the freezer. I'm surrounded by dogs. I'm dogsitting for my parents. The next poster lives near the water.
Sales? or Sails... did I mention how exciting the concluding race in the America's Cup regatta was last night? Decided by 1 sec! The closest ever finish in the world's oldest sporting competition!! The next poster felt like he was the only sane person at a clown convention today.
Nope, we had the official Independence Day celebration (with a BBQ) at the Ambassador's residence a day early yesterday. Today's the informal BBQ for the American expat community, and I will be heading out in about an hour or so. Made some yummy deviled eggs as my contribution. The next poster hates being on call on their day off!
Yes, personal time is an important thing for me The next poster knows someone with a foolish Independence Day injury.
Umm.. Not yet? Here's hoping we can avoid those for the rest of the day. Though I am bummed that we can't have our sparklers anymore 'cause some dumbass stuck one in their eye... The next poster is not looking forward to the forecasted 110 degree heat today...
Yep... gonna be in the 100's here today too. The next poster just tried to work out and it's too darn hot already.
It's 94 at noon here. My workout consisted of a half-hour of yard work before retiring to my 78-degreed interion space. The next poster sometimes notices temperatures in Baghdad in the newspaper's weather section, and sees that from June to October they're very similar to Needles, CA; and when so reminded, truly anguishes for those poor devils in our military over there who must go out and try to ignore their discomfort at having to carry so much firepower AND body armor in heat like that in the course of carrying out a task that is likely meaningless in the scheme of things. How many of us even stay outdoors in 116-degree heat (today's forecast) for more than an hour at a crack? And how's the AC working over there today, anyway?
Um, what AC? I'm from 'The Frozen North.' Here the forecast is for 30C The next poster thinks some shade by a creek might be a good place to spend the afternoon.