At least one, take your pick! Next poster dropped their lunch in the floor today (and the 5 second rule does not apply when you work in a hospital). Didn't need those extra calories anyways.
Oh no... sorry to hear that AuntBee! The next poster is going to a really cool concert tonight at the Greek Theater. (Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Tour. Debbie Harry is on the bill too! )
nope, we're staying in tonight and watching a movie- a slow night for once! the next poster has lots of things to catch up on.
you rascal, you peeked at my honey-do list. I'm multi-tasking big-time today. The next poster fantasizes about appearing on American Idol... ...doing his/her specialty, which is _______________.
No. (Well, unless you count fantasizing about being on the show with the intention of somehow getting it canned for all time? The next poster is single, looking for their mate, and hoping that person drives a Prius...
No. I like the concept of the iPhone, but a normal working cell phone is enough for my needs. For other neccessities I have my camera and the lap top. Also, if I had $600 to spare, I would dress up Pria with tinted windows, shark fin antenna, EV button and the list goes on. The next poster is anxious.
Nope... very relaxed on a Sunday morning. The next poster is glad to have a day off mid week for the 4th.
Yes and no. 2 Mondays and Fridays in one week can be a bit kooky! (However, I am strongly considering going to see the new Transformers movie) The next poster just bought something special on eBay.
we got our "new" car on ebay last week. and we just bought a rack and pinion for it on ebay last night. so i guess that's a yes, if cars and car parts are special things the next poster broke a bone today.
If you count stepping on a dried chicken bone next to the cats' dish and snapping it, guilty as charged. The next poster is a closet opera buff.
LOL Nope - That's about as far from the heavy metal I usually listen to as you can get. Galaxee - I hope it wasn't too serious. Something minor, which won't effect you too much, or are we talking traction and pins, here? The next poster is getting kicked off the computer by their SO, so that they can WORK on a Sunday night....
nope, will be kicking myself off the computer in a few so that i can go to sleep. [it's my toe. walking will suck for the next 4 or 5 weeks but nothing serious. thanks for the concern ] the next poster has lots of fans running.
You got it! 2 19" oscillating fans, one oscillating blower, an 8,500 BTU window a/c, and a 5,000 btu window a/c to keep the house cooled down. The next posted thoroughly enjoys listening to Led Zeppelin late at night.
NO, never really been a fan of LZ--the only song of theirs I like is "Fool in the Rain." Next poster cleaned their house from top to bottom today.
Sort of. Enough to show it to the real estate person. The next poster thinks selling a house should be easier.