I was last night, but now it's morning and I'm feeling drowsy at work. Fortunately it hasn't been very busy here today (yet?). The next poster will have fish and rice for lunch.
Nope. The next poster thinks that the local weather girl is hot. (Or local weather guy--your choice) .
Nope, but I did just finish a small pack of "Nutro Nice" Coconut Biscuits manufactured by "Strategic Food International Co. L.L.C" in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Actually were rather tasty. The next poster prefers akassa over ablo.
Nope... just one. Unless you count my daughters and then I guess I'd have three. The next poster just had to fix someone else's screwed up document. Grrrrr...
Not just now, but earlier today. It's occurs regularly in my line of work. The next poster just bought a 2003 Kawasaki KLR250 with 795 miles on it to commute all over the place in.
we had been looking at buying an electric scooter when the camry incident happened. i don't know if i could do a motorcycle though. the next poster was supposed have the chance to meet a toyota bigwig tonight, but the guy got stuck in airport delays.
Nope. The biggest wig I saw all day was the CEO at my hospital. The next poster just Googled to find out where Itu1542's "Cotonou, Benin" is located.
actually, i just did. he told us that it was in west africa before he moved there, but that's all i knew until just a minute ago. speaking of africa... the next poster knows how to say "what's up" in swahili.
Lessee---alea acta est?---no, thass Latin--- The next poster is undergoing a major personality change as we speak.
Ah fon gangee-ah? Considering the rather radical change in lifestyle that moving to West-Africa entailed, my personality thankfully remained rather stable. The next poster has actually been to somewhere in West-Africa recently.
Correct, while I love Apple technology, I'll wait for the user reviews. The next poster travels quite a bit.
I guess. I have been to Sri Lanka (born and raised), India, England (twice), Italy (twice), France (twice), Netherlands, Belgium (twice), Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, Thailand (twice), Canada (thrice), and about 15 states in US. The next poster really wants to go to east Africa (Kenya/Tanzania).
I'm just fine right here in West Africa, thank you very much. And even though West Africa isn't known for them, we do have game parks here as well. In fact, when my fianceé comes for a visit, I will take her up to the north of Benin to visit Pendjari. (http://www.pendjari.net/). The next poster has a real craving for Eastern North Carolina style BBQ!
y'know, i just never got into it. have the fiancee bring some with her, if she can! as for the "what's up" my student told me the slang term is "mambo" now i don't know if that's how you spell it but that's how it sounded to me. he's from tanzania. the next poster hasn't been getting enough sleep.
LOL You must be physic (hee hee). I am chronicly lacking sleep. That makes commuting fun.... I want to have minions, someday. The next poster will be one of 2 people running a 9 person office next week.
Sounds about normal for my office. The next poster is supposed to be getting off at noon today, but now won't.