the only daughter I have is my 8 year old golden retriever... I don't tell her what to wear, she picks it out herself :lol: The next poster is having to sit in front of the computer ALL day & at home!!
I got that out of my system this morning. tee hee. Am I irresponsible? The next poster has a broken windshield. (yes, my pri pri was sniped by a rock. being fixed today at work!) *oops* overpost. I graciously defer the next poster question to h2photo
DOH! THIS poster is a dumbass who forgot to post a question (see photo..)!!! Nope - no broken window, though I do have a rock-chip low on the passenger side I've been ignoring, and you can't tell it's Salsa Red 'cause it looks tan from all the dirt... The next poster is taking a drive to the coast this weekend.
Yeah I guess you could say that. I ride on the back of a motorcycle through Southern California traffic. The next poster would rather be barefoot than wearing shoes.
Yes - I always know it's summer when I have to wash my feet before bed. The next poster could handle with aplomb the art of being idly rich.
Hope not - I'm pretty tired, and want to sack out early. Though it is possible that my will make plans that I only find out about while driving home. Hope you have a great dinner, though! The next poster is a HUGE Lewis Black fan.
Guilty -- and I will this weekend, if only it will get into double-digit temperatures. The next poster wishes they had more time for quiet reflection.
Quiet reflection...hmmmm...let me think about that one... Next poster has to help host a luncheon tomorrow for a bunch of hungry, delinquent doctors. (Skwyre, how's Bucky, the bonsai doing?)
Hmmm.... Nope, though I find the "Delinquent" part intrigueing. How are they delinquent? How does one tell a delinquent from a "normal" doctor? The next poster is up WAY past their bedtime. (Ygdrasil!!! Ygdrasil!!!!)
Not today, dear. The next poster's celebrating the arrival of summer by letting the rain do the watering.
This poster isn't going home early but doesn't care 'cause she's meeting a few friend for Italian food tonight! Don't eat this much, so I'm so excited. The next poster likes the feeling when they sneeze.