Never have, but have always wanted to. With my recent bout of claustrophobia during an MRI, now I'm not sure I could do it. The next poster would love to be on a beach, under an umbrella with a drink in hand, right about now.
Too right, but add some warmth to the picture, its bloody wintertime here. The next poster is following the America's Cup in Valencia
No. But I like the song, "Valencia." Next poster is thankful that it finally rained today (even though it brought a buckload of problems along with it--power failures, car accidents-- inclement weather cripples this cities traffic-wise)
no rain here, could have used it. air quality sucked and it was hot and gross outside to top it off. the next poster's stomach has been hurting a lot lately.
No... but my back has been hurting again. Hope your stomach is feeling better soon galaxee. The next poster is watching Neanderthal's World on the Science channel and finds it pretty darn interesting. (What's even better? There was just a Geico caveman commercial on the show too. :lol: )
No. The next poster has a very important presentation to give to the boss's boss's boss's boss tomorrow.
No, I am sorry Skwyre. I have to give a group meeting presentation on Thursday. The next poster is excited that his/her parents are visiting in a few days. (My parents are coming to US to see me. I haven't seen them in two years).
that's great, mich! my mom hasn't come to visit in almost 3 years- they always end up going to or some nascar race instead... the next poster is frustrated.
Not frustrated at the moment. Give me about an hour... (Congrats on your upcoming visit, Michgal.) The next poster needs to tie their shoes.
Nope... wearing slip on high heeled sandals that don't need tying. The next poster has a plant on their desk.
Yes, actually. It's a lovely little bonsai tree. He doesn't have a name yet. The next poster has a suggestion as to what to name my bonsai tree.
It's already warmed up here. Yesterday it was 82 degrees. The next poster is looking at a remodeling plan for office cubicles/space and has NO idea how to read plans!
Not remodeling, but the Navy taught me how to read plans quite well. The next poster has plans to read a nice book this summer.
Way too many tasks at hand to have leisure time in the near future. The next poster can't stand meetings and has a hard time forcing themselves to be "on".
lol, you read my mind, SSimon! just sat through a bad one. the next poster is dealing with someone who is clearly not associated with the real world.