Uh, I'll bite---does it mean Ford Motor Co., in its desperation, has decided to re-manufacture the '50 Mercury, which resembles a deflated Jabba the Hut? The next poster is puzzled over whether the '50 Mercury or the '50 Hudson had the biggest rear seat quarters.
No... thank goodness. The next poster as I do, wishes all the dad's here on PC a very Happy Father's Day!
Absolutely! Happy Dad's Day everybody. Next poster spent the day at the Annual Moon Pie and RC Cola Festival (or any type of summer festival).
No... but how was it TJ? Give us a review please. The next poster does not understand the appeal of Guitar Hero.
Definately not. Learn to play, it should have been configured as a "learn to play guitar" game. I think it should be called Guitar Zero, but there is already a "band" that hacked their GH units with a drummer. Kooky but an interesting novelty band with more talent than William Sung. The next poster is in for some serious hammock time today
I wish, but no I have to go in and work some overtime today =( The next poster has a road trip coming up soon. Vacation starts in 13 days!!! WOOO!! HOOO!!! Driving to Nova Scotia!!!
I need shorts yes! No more jeans though! 7 pairs is enough! The next poster likes to mix cold chocolate pudding in with leftover cold mac n cheese (dont knock it till you try it!!)
Oh my... uh... no. I don't really eat mac and cheese and I don't like chocolate pudding. But h2photo... ENJOY it for me, would you please? The next poster is still cleaning up from having friends over last night.
Not quite, cleaning up from my heat sick daughter (not pretty) - she's OK now. The next poster could use a cold Belgium brew
No... sticking with water for now. I drank way too much wine last night. The next poster is trying to get motivated to work out. (Sorry to hear about your daughter robincx.)
My most vigorous exercise is watching a chess game – I’ve slowed a bit lately, before that it was watching a backgammon game. The next poster will put me on ignore
No (not yet at least). The next poster bought a pair of jeans for $70 and is eager to wear it tomorrow.
No, I can't even imagine a pair of jeans worth 70.00 bucks unless there was a 50.00 bill in the pocket ( But I'm sure they will look nice ) the next poster went to the river today
No..I wish. I live about a quarter of a mile from the lake here at Livingston ( 2nd largest in TX) and the closest I came to the water was on the drive by to work. The next poster is cooking something yummy on the grill!!
Yes, although I did have some amazing pastas in Italy earlier this year. the next poster just watched an amazing film tonight!