very much so. story of my life right now. the past year of the next poster's life is up for evaluation in less than one hour.
i thought i would but nope. the next poster just did a victory dance when they thought nobody was looking.
I'm doing one for you galaxee. I take it your eval went well? The next poster hates drama, but loves celebrations.
True , for the most part. The Next Poster is Glad to see Paris Hilton go back to jail, boo hoo (fake tears) sick my A$$ go to the jail infirmary. Like all other prisoners.
Yup, I think the made for TV movie wil be fantastic! The next poster is really, really glad it's the weekend.
mmmhmm, sure am! but would be happier if the a/c failed on a weekday. go figure, right? [my committee meeting was very, very good, thanks for asking! ] the next poster is really warm.
Nope... I'm juuuuuuuuuuust right. The next poster is doing something out of the ordinary this weekend.
Nothing out of the ordinary, but things that I really enjoy. The next poster is trying to quit smoking.
No, thankfully I did that already a few years ago The next poster has walked away from their running prius with smart key in pocket!
not at all... we're without a/c till it gets fixed, it's 93 degrees outside, and it if were cloudy at least we wouldn't be heating up the house more. i hate this place... the next poster is taking it easy today.
Oh amen to that one. And a vacation where you actually go somewhere instead of just hanging around the house. The next poster thinks Darken needs a margarita after his stressful day at work.