Count me in! I was in a Prius convoy yesterday, with a gray prius in front of me and another on my right
I'm IN! DoB: 6/21/2008 Magnetic Gray package #2 have to wait until Monday to add her to my insurance policy though
Okay...Mag Grayers - I'm trying to decide whether to join your ranks. The dealer called to say they're getting in a Package #2 Touring in Mag Gray. I like the color, but it wasn't one of my top 3 choices because I'm concerned about visibility (blending into the color of the road), heat (I live in NM) and dirt (does it show dirt a lot? again, I live in NM). I figured you guys would know better than anybody! Are my concerns legitimate or should I go for it and shorten my Prius wait substantially? Thanks!
I'm bumping this thread because in the past few days I've gotten several PMs from folks who recently joined our ranks. Make yourself known here!
Got our 08 Touring MG off the barge from Oahu 2 days ago, one of the very few MG's (if any others) on the Big Island. She reflects the sunsets beautifully, and the tropic sun makes her glow brilliantly. It's my wife's car, and she and kids spent most of the first day washing an incredible amount of salt encrustation off her! Aloha from a 1st poster!
Count me in..... Picked up my Mag Gray Touring,pkg 6, on 7/3 after only a 20 day wait. Having it pin striped on 7/9 and the 3M Bra installed on 7/14. Waiting for the side molding. :rapture:
The color is fine. A heat shield would help with the temps in the car. I haven't washed mine in almost 2 months and it still looks semi clean. But if it's not in your top color choices then the decission is up to you.
Oops. Forgot to post. We're in too. '08, package 2 picked up last Saturday. We've gotten lots of compliments on the color.
We're now members (see to the left)! Picked up our pkg 2 last night (originally wanted a Touring, our region wasn't going to see any for the forseeable future, so)...was our first choice (second was Spectra Blue) in color and package...
I'm officially in the club - brand new Touring #2 in the driveway! Love the color - I think I'll see about adding a reflective pinstripe.
I'm in. Got the magnetic grey as a last choice behind Driftwood Pearl, Red and Blue, but realized when I got it that the mag grey was better than all of the above.