Oh, show some respect for the poor barefoot horses. Don't you people have frisbees? Sorry, I mean 'flying discs' I don't suppose anyone remembers 'Pluto platters'?
RaeVynn Fabulous Redhead:humble: bringing coffee Javajunki Continual hippy; caffeine addict :ranger: bringing Mead patrickindallas Proco - Would you bring some beer? Rokeby - Ba-Be-Que ribs... and finger-licking-good chicken burritos :fencing: um, could you bring burritoes? moxiequz Spectra -- Banana & Nuts Nuttmeg44 katzots perryma - a big giant sausage...and diet coke...some chips eclectcmoi - muffins... fresh and moist, hot from the oven Hyo Silver perryma's kids- slip and slide, wesson oil, three bails of hay, travel bidet AuntBee (chocolate chip cookies and the marina) TJ who has a pool. Jammin012 - Chili w/habaneras and cornbread Bevspark - Drinks as in previous post GeekyTeacher - volleyball, bocce ball, and bags:bounce: nascrlvr - gator sausage, gumbo, jumbalaya...plus a widescreen tv complete with satellite to watch LSU sports!! :rockon: MarkDerail, the phev flamewar starter :target: and all round, and round, funny guy with a penchant for red muffins. nascrlvr - how about an extension cord for the tv, wi-fi and a laptop so we can continue checking PriusChat...:wave:
Somehow, my earlier update has been lost, so here is the list with all subsequent additions: Last year, I brought BBQ ribs. Had so much fun and they were devoured so fast... This year it's the whole pig... Cooked in a hole... in the ground... And the green grass grows all around, all around, And the green grass grows all around. Unless of course the party is at Aunt Bee's transportable marina. My hole-digging-in-water skills are severly limited, so I'll cook the porker in one of these: La Caja China Box - Superb Pig Roasting BBQ Grills Check site for picture of The Pig as it will be delivered. Another rousing success is virtually guaranteed. RaeVynn Fabulous Redhead:humble: bringing coffee Javajunki Continual hippy; caffeine addict :ranger: bringing Mead patrickindallas Proco - Would you bring some beer? Rokeby - Roast Pig -- everything but the Oink! :flypig: :cheer2: burritos :fencing: um, could you bring burritoes? moxiequz Spectra -- Banana & Nuts Nuttmeg44 katzots perryma - a big giant sausage...and diet coke...some chips eclectcmoi - muffins... fresh and moist, hot from the oven Hyo Silver perryma's kids- slip and slide, wesson oil, three bails of hay, travel bidet AuntBee (chocolate chip cookies and the marina) TJ who has a pool. Jammin012 - Chili w/habaneras and cornbread Bevspark - White Wine, Red Wine, Champagne, & Beer GeekyTeacher - volleyball, bocce ball, and bags:bounce: nascrlvr - gator sausage, gumbo, jumbalaya...plus a widescreen tv complete with satellite to watch LSU sports!! :rockon: MarkDerail, the phev flamewar starter :target: and all round, and round, funny guy with a penchant for red muffins. nascrlvr - how about an extension cord for the tv, wi-fi and a laptop so we can continue checking PriusChat...:wave:
Today was fabulous... went to the Washington Ren Faire, had a great time... got a little sun, took a few photos... really enjoyed ourselves! Ren Faire Photos
Every summer we do the same, it's all in French. Most popular is Bicolline (Bicolline) There's a Facebook group, from which many people post pictures to, myself included. Never knew in English it was called a REN, short for Renaissance I guess? You look good in your dress!
That reminds me to bring plenty of suntan lotion. I'm sure DH reminded you it needs to be reapplied several times a day.
Why, yes! I did not burn at all yesterday... a little pinkness, and when we got home, after scrubbing off all the DIRT, I slathered on the coconut oil. I've been using coconut oil liberally for the past few years, and I've not had any peeling after sunburn... in fact, usually the 'burn' mellows out into nearly tan within just a couple of days, without any of the skin damage that I experienced for most of my life. I grew up in So. California, and spent most summers burnt to an absolute crisp! I wish I would have known about coconut oil years and years ago! Consider this a public service announcement... get a container of coconut oil! makes the best after sun, after shower, massage, moisturizing, skin normalizing treatment I've ever experienced. :rockon: