You shouldn't single people out just because of their color; that isn't politically correct. I am wondering if I brought a lawn chair and a bunch of helium balloons if anyone would want to take a spin? I"ll bring it all if you want it.
ooooohhh... i jus noticed that.... i thought i was just putting off the monitor screen cleaning too long
Seems like it would need to be a Sooper Dooper Pooper Scooper. Then again, given the AT-PZEV rating, maybe it composts to generate methane for increased MPGs, and earthworms as an income supplement. Now that would be a very "good doggie" in anybody's book.
If I were you I would be getting a little sun to prepare for the tropical life and visiting buffets to stretch my stomach. You might also buy one of those electronic translators in case you meet a goodlooking deckhand. Will you bring back pics for the picnic?
It's a cruise to Alaska... though I am taking walks in the sun, to color up a bit. I'm not terribly interested in training for overeating It's my understanding that the crew speaks English... and flirting is one of those cross-cultural activities, anyway Naturally, there will be LOTS of photos...
They do rub noses there you know. You could practice that. I would probably walk around with shoe boxes on my feet to get ready for snowshoes, have my dog pull my in the kid's wagon to get ready for dog sleds and I would practice stacking ice cubes in case I had to build an igloo while I was there. I think these all sound pretty practical for the trip. I would also take flashlights as the sun never shines up there. So will there be any "Dalmatian bikini" hot tub pics?
My luscious body will be sporting a fashionable one piece or tankini, rather than a bikini. Hot tub, yes... I'll probably be parboiled quite well. With photos.