Oooooo, a Hot Tub! We can put that over by the saunas, and the slip-n-slide! I'd like a waterfall, too... always wanted to swim in a pool under a waterfall... I'll see if I can get one installed quick.
Don't go chasing waterfalls, just stick to the things you are used to. Is anyone bringing a "Johnny on the Spot"?
Ohhh, I just found the ultimate "Easter Egg" buried in the archives... HV battery enhanced sunshine and moon glow. It only works with SOC in the green bars, in years divisible evenly by 4, and in the Northern Hemisphere. So, if it can be arranged for the picnic to be at the bottom of a long declivity, I can guarantee sunny weather, and lovely lunar lighting all night long. ****************************************************************** Oops! There is a down-side though. If you read the fine print, the next day the local area will have a three day solar eclipse, it will rain toads, and any pregnant cows will deliver two-headed calves. But what the hell, a party is party, right?
I had a two headed cow once. She always moo'd twice. Sweet cow but ate for two and got huge. I think the glow things will be good and a little rain and some toads never hurt anybody. We will need the next few days of dark to rest up anyway.
Rokeby, you are our hero! Now we can party until the two-headed cows come home! I hope the lake has a diving platform...
hot lifeguards, cool firemen ... and the Swedish bikini ski team (wasn't that on some beer ad?) something for everyone!
RaeVynn Fabulous Redhead:humble: bringing coffee Javajunki Continual hippy; caffeine addict :ranger: bringing Mead patrickindallas Proco - Would you bring some beer? Rokeby - Ba-Be-Que ribs... and finger-licking-good chicken burritos :fencing: um, could you bring burritoes? moxiequz Spectra -- Banana & Nuts Nuttmeg44 katzots perryma - a big giant sausage...and diet coke...some chips eclectcmoi - muffins... fresh and moist, hot from the oven Hyo Silver perryma's kids- slip and slide, wesson oil, trick goat, three bails of hay, granny's muffins AuntBee (chocolate chip cookies and the marina) TJ who has a pool. Jammin012 - Chili w/habaneras and cornbread
arty::cheer2::rockon::high5::dance:opcorn::tea::fish2::grouphug::wub: I'd prefer water spray... like, a water park! yeah, that's the ticket... and, no, our party will not have bugs, unless someone drives one Since tomorrow is my birthday, there will be a Very Large Vegan Cake! and Purely Decadent Frozen Dessert!! Yummy!!!
I calle the Bugs(Johnny and Brenda) and told them they were not invited. I think it hurt their feelings and their kids were really looking foward to it. They are nice people but if they are not invited then they are not invited.
For an all out no holds bash the way this shaping up, someone should book the Beatles, all four of them. Doncha think?
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear RAEEEEEEEEEEE, Happy Birthday to you!:clap2:
Yes, we are going to Alaska.... no, Sitka is not one of our ports of call... We are doing Juneau, Skagway, and Ketchikan, and also a short stop in Victoria, BC. We sail September 20th.
Skagway has a free museum as well. Make sure you know about Soapy Smith before arriving. If you have not read up on the Yukon gold rush, use wikipedia or anything else to understand the critical importance of Dyea and Skagway for this event. If you get a chance in Juneau to talk to any of the Tlingit natives ask about how their tribes are divided up. If at all possible, see if you can listen to a conversation in their native language. It is quite unlike any other language I have ever heard.