No, this is NOT me -- nor is it my daughter -- but this is how my daughter has described to me that she and her boyfriend sometimes drive around the backroads of Idaho with the boyfriend's dog Charlie. Glad I have not seen her actually do this. Just the thought of her on a motorcycle upsets me enough, add the dog and the boyfriend -- GULP! I rode a motorcycle -- Yamaha 250 -- for a very short time when I was a teen. It was a very short time because it did not take me long to plow it into a brick wall -- still have knee issues from that little incident back in the 1970s -- in those days, no helmet. Of course no helmets for regular bicycles either -- the time I ran my bicycle into a tree when I was 10 might explain some of my quirky behavior now. My 1960s era Yamaha Big Bear looked something like this:
O.K. -- Crazy black lab saw that a squirrel had got under the wire and into the fruit tree enclosure. Dog managed to get into the enclosure too. Squirrel managed to get out -- dog, well. BTW, I mainly have them to keep out the deer.