yep... BTW... I'm all for common sense... like dont put shit in the oceans and stop littering yadda yadda... but that's because it's common sense... not because somehow the climate is changing because I bought an ethernet cable and holy **** have you seen the carbon footprint of the ethernet cable... it's so weak it's pathetic... the worst offender is the compact fluorescent lightbulb... there's lots of power to go around... they just want to charge you more for less of it... on top of that everyone needs to go buy new lightbulbs to replace those perfectly good lightbulbs.. Raking in the profits, they are... Imagine a world where you could sell the same shit to people over and over then and somehow justify charging 10x more for it (like gas, oil, electricity, houses - next will be food, clothes etc etc) Slippery slope my friends.... people had better wake up and realize that they're swept up in a HUGE marketing machine and you're all playing into their formula.
Buy consuming less, using what I've got more efficiently and keeping my dollars closer to home? Sounds good to me.
please explain how you're consuming less if suddenly millions of people are buyiung things they've never "needed" before. You're in face consuming MORE. You're simply consuming for the sake of consuming.
10ft or 100ft? Even your most vocal opponents would agree with you on that. (Maybe some variation on who 'they' is?) I still groan over the day that I was told the Hollywood crowd was embracing the Prius...long after I bought a 2001 Prius.
Easy. I'm consuming less. Our family is consuming less. We don't buy tonnes of shite that we don't need. We don't keep up the Jones'. This is a rather stupid line of questioning as you've turned me into , which I'm not, nor have I ever claimed to be Of course, the counter to your argument is the massive amount of money being made by the status quo. Last time I checked, they had a marketing machine that's about 2 orders of magnitude bigger. And with the green washing, it's even worse.
Well yeah that's true. How many people throw out their lightglobes before the fillament blew out? Not me. But I had CF globes to put in when they did. Funny thing is I used to replace globes all the time, like one or 2 a month, I forget the last CF I had to replace. I think I'm actually spending less on light globes! Damn marketing companies! My old car was due to be replaced, I bought a Prius instead of a Corolla or Camry and now I buy something I never needed before, I buy about 41 litres of fuel every 3 weeks rather than the 55 litres I used to buy every 2 weeks. Crap, I never realised I was being manipulated. Soon I'll get a solar hot water heater, then I'll be stuck spending less for gas to heat water, bloody marketing company, then the PV panels the government will pay more than half for, what a mistake that will be but marketing forces have got hold of me. Over 15 years I'll have saved my total investment at todays power prices then free energy from the sun for another 10+ years, damn marketing of energy.
Yeah. So's gravity. Have you tried jumping without landing back on earth? Anyway... how about if we just ignore Global Warming? Ignore it completely. There are plenty of ways that cars are very obviously screwing up the world without even bringing GW into the fray. Does earth "want" polluted air and water? Do we? Do we want to hinge our entire way of life on the energy we buy from countries that don't like us? But that's getting OT and is harder to explain away... By all means let's keep stinking up the place until we can prove to YOU that cars might have some bad effects on the planet...that there might be a good reason to drive an efficient car that goes beyond what you pay at the pump.
no... "man made" gravity would be a theory... gravity's existence isnt disputed... suggesting it exists because you didnt by a prius is the equivalent to your argument. *yawn* it's all your fault. you should feel ashamed for owning a computer and even socks and shoes. look at how much you've warmed the earth by doing so!
Assuming that this statement follows from your last statement about bulbs... are you then saying that nobody needs new bulbs? Yes, some people fall for marketing ploys. Happens all the time. And still others are just plain ignorant of how their purchasing and consumption effects everything on this planet. If dumping our fecal matter into the ocean doesn't harm anything, why is it common sense not to do it? Seems pretty convenient to me, so why not? We dump the offal from our cars into the air we breath, and your "common sense" seems to think that's OK...
ah. This is another "fact" you bring to the table? Or is this the "common sense" part? You don't understand how "theory" is used in the science arena, do you? You win. You've got it all figured out. What sucks most is that your vote counts as much as mine. Probably more, in fact.
Correct... my vote counts more because I represent the average american, not some eco-freak. and yes, I own a chainsaw.
So eco-freaks only get a part vote? Once upon a time they were freaks but now days it's main stream to consider the environment, the last Australian government was well and truely rolled because of their industrial relations policy and attitude to the environment. My chainsaw is electric.
Why the IPCC was created Climate change is a very complex issue: policymakers need an objective source of information about the causes of climate change, its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences and the adaptation and mitigation options to respond to it. This is why WMO and UNEP established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. This is from the IPCC website. The first line states that AGW was occurring in 1988 and the IPCC was started to find out to what degree. Personally, I am very torn about the whole climate change issue, but does anyone think this IPCC would ever come out with a report refuting climate change or minimizing its effects? What would that do to their funding. Would it not be akin to the department of defense coming out and saying there were no more threats in the world so it should be disbanded? Or how about the department of education saying that educational matters are better left to the states and/or municipalites.
you are good at saying what isnt causing the obvious changes in our environment (or do you contest those facts as well?) but you dont offer your thoughts on what is causing the changes. its interesting to me that we can rearrange over 100 TRILLION tons of Earth every year and some people think it does not make a difference to the planet. has it occurred to you that GW is only one effect from a whole host of things we are doing wrong? destruction of our coastlines; ground, air and water pollution; depletion of natural habitats and unrecoverable resources; how much of the world can we pave and not have it make a difference? if it makes you happy, forget fossil fuel burning. realistically, its only a small part of the issues we lets ignore the fact that it is also one of the few things we KNOW how to alleviate.... reducing our concrete needs is something we havent a clue as to how to do. so how do we slow the creation of massive concentrated heat sinks?? how do we stop the "progress" in large cities like las vegas where its population growth is most likely directly responsible for near double digit increases in the average regional temperatures there? so we are faced with really a pretty simple question....either undergo a massive paradigm shift in thinking or... well, i dont really want to consider the alternatives
Here is a weather station near Las Vegas, where did you get double digit increases? <IMG style="MAX-WIDTH: 800px; ; WIDTH: expression(this.width > 800 ? 800: true)" alt="" src="" border=0>
Clearly, it's all your fault. You must be ashamed. Have you considered how many baby seals were killed making your keyboard? Imagine the horrific carbon footprint of the chair you are sitting on right now. sad.... so very very sad.
You sound quite proud to represent the lowest-common denominator. So do I. And I'm sure is bigger than yours. Good lord. Ignorance really is bliss, isn't it?