Great, Now whose job is it to go and round up a big batch of trolls. Do we need volunteers to go some monster truck forum? (Humor!!, not a real call to action.....?)
We are safe and sound in New Zealand. We had changed our plans and not traveled to Christchurch, thankfully. We left Kaikoura yesterday and traveled to Greymouth. Apparently we were about 55 miles away from the earthquake in Hamner Springs having lunch when it struck about 1pm local time on Tuesday (your Monday). We are still having great adventures. We snorkeled with the fur seals yesterday, which was utterly amazing. Today we're supposed to go glacier hiking on Fox Glacier. Apparently part of the glacier calved off during the quake, so we'll see. Thanks for all the thoughts and concerns. Please share this information with any family, friends, co-workers, patients, or others who may be concerned.
Hi all! I'm sitting in the lounge at Charles DeGaulle Airport awaiting my flight back to US soil and will, hopefully resume my usual (dictator like) moderation duties. It's been an amazing trip and I'm not sure I'm quite ready to come home. Prius content:
Cool. Since that looks like that was taken at the Champs-Élysées, did you drop by the Toyota showroom? I stumbled across it as I was walking up it. The was also one for Renault that I stopped by.
Awesome! It will be good to have you back, man. I hope you brought me back more than a stupid t-shirt.
I'm pretty sure my family would have shot me if I'd tried to go to the Toyota showroom, wasn't sure it would be worth the time as we had only 3 nights and 2 full days in Paris. I did look for the Tesla store, but hadn't looked up the address before hand, discovered later it's on the street on the other side of the Arc d'Triomphe. We're back on US terra firma now, getting in the Prius in Northern Indiana in a few minutes to drive back to Missouri and our home. It's good to be back. Hyo, I think I'm gonna ban you for a week just for the crap I'm sure you did while I was away!
Evan; glad u have returned all in one piece and whole with your family, all no doubt much "rounder" for the adventure you have completed. cant thank you enough for the FB updates and pix. i have enjoyed them immensely!! ummm, on another note, have i mentioned my LEAF to you?
I think maybe there's more than one troll worthy of slaying. Let's give Evan some time to catch up, do some reading, and we'll see what happens. Heck, he threatened to ban me and I didn't even do anything. edit: (But of course, he was only kidding. )
Although it feels like I've been on PC forever that is not the case. I've never had the pleasure to see how fast Evan's ban finger nad have come to think of Tony as the Big Banner on Campus.
Haha! IIRC, I had about the same amount of time in Paris (not nearly enough) but it was nighttime anyway and most other attractions were closed anyway. When I was there near Christmas last year, there were 2 concepts, an Auris that you could get into and another that was cut open to reveal part of the inverter and PSD.
Evan, you're back! *scrambles off table, turns off dance music, puts down drink* ...nothing, why do you ask? :blush:
Actually physically in my own home as I type this. It's good to be home. I'm not sure how long it'll take me to get my life back to 'normal'. It's good to "see" some old faces as well as the new ones who've come along in my absence.
My uncle in Chicago has been taking care of her for the whole 9 months, driving her once in a while and just keeping her company. She unexpectedly had the 12v battery have a cell go bad (weird b/c the battery is less than a year old, but I failed to mark the warranty info on it ), and he had that replaced. We drove her about 10 hours home yesterday and she still purrs like a kitten. Can't talk about the MPG though, just over 40, but we had 5 in the car and a full load of luggage from 2 1/2 months of travel and I was just going about 5mph over the speed limit on cruise the whole way. Still, nice to be home and I'll start trying to remember how to hypermile today. Also, it was odd b/c I couldn't remember how to do all the stuff I usually do. How to dial the phone, where, exactly, the EV button was, etc. Plus I still have habits from my Oz and NZ driving and would hit the wiper stick instead of the turn signal!