I enjoyed a great cheese burger yesterday due to my wife seeing Evan's post on Australian Hamburgers. I didn't do the visual justice of his blog post, but it was one of the best burgers I've had in a long time. Facebook Post - What Drives Us to Drink
Austria, what you doing in Austria? Do they really all wear them leather shorts over there? Is internet expensive in Australia? I would never have known. Fosters? What on earth is Fosters? You do realise that no Australian drinks Fosters don't you? I am not even sure it is brewed in Australia any more. In South Australia us Crow Eaters drink West End Draught In Western Australia they drink Swan Larger In Victoria the favored drop is Victoria Bitter In New South Wales I think it's Castlemaine Taswiegans drink Cascade Northern Teritorians drink VB I reckon but the local drop is NT Bitter and in Queensland they can't spell beer so they drink XXXX (four ex) In the nations capital Canberra the favored drop is a nice Barossa or Chardonnay.
The leather underwear is optional. Unfortunately, the whip and handcuffs are mandatory Too funny. WHen I was there, quickly started up conversations with road train drivers. Those buggers will drink anything
With Facebook and What Drives Us updates, it feels like you never left. Glad to hear everything is going well, sorta. :rockon:
I like that! Might have to relocate! Yeah, your right but most would rather drink the used sump oil out of their truck than Fosters.
CRACK! Yes ma'am, may I please have another!? CRAAAACKK!!!! So I gathered. Because I like Tom better, that's why Just kidding!
If you're on the South side of the south island in NZ, check out Ulva Island(walking bird sanctuary). Gotta go to Invercargill, take a boat to Stewart's Island, then a boat taxi to Ulva Island. Awesome experience.
Just arrived, today, in New Zealand and am settled into a, er...snug, apartment at a motel in Hamilton. Hope to meet up with Samiam from here at Priuschat tomorrow and visit his farm or let him tour us about in Hamilton. They have a beer called Waikato Draught, that is actually a mild bitters, but it's quite good. Thanks for the wrap up on the beer Pat, I didn't see a lot of Castlemaine in NSW, seemed to be Toohey's (mostly the new for some ungodly reason). I like the toohey's Old, but the new is just crappy American beer, but very popular. I really like the XXXX and Victoria Bitters. Haven't had a Fosters yet, and just don't see it anywhere.
I can verify to all and sundry that efusco is in fact currently in the fair isles collectively known as Enn Zed. True to his word, he did force his family to walk around our farm paddocks and experience the shoe-scraping delights associated with country life. After that his daughter treated us to a very enjoyable lunch in Cambridge. I look forward to seeing them again This is because we keep it hidden way out the back. We keep the good NZ stuff inside and cold. Reading Pat's earlier post I now realise Evan and I had a miscommunication about Toohey's beer - he couldn't understand why I liked it - which is now very understandable, as I was referring to the far superior NZ brew known as Tui. Homophones but certainly not the same flavours. Order a Tui Evan... Pat, I believe Paul Hogan probably still drinks Fosters.
Sam, Thanks so much for showing us around your beautiful and historic homestead. The kids got a kick out of feeding the lambs, petting the pony, and seeing what a 'real' NZ home looks like. I'm holding you to your word to show me your Prius, can't wait to see the unique features.
Umm... excuse me. We were having a conversation here. You can't just butt in when you please. We have rules!
Sorry, sir, perhaps these photos from Sam's farm and my visit there will by me a reprieve? All the photos: [ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/efusco/sets/72157625180103960/"]Hamilton, New Zealand - a set on Flickr[/ame] teasers: And our gracious host:
Good to see you, Sam! How's Bluey? My Zuli seems to be getting smarter by the day, yet more obedient. Only shoe-scraping delights? No milking? No cleaning out stalls? Ah, but of course, lunch was on them.
Blooie is featured in a couple of Evan's Flicker stream photos, noteably one with a lamb's tail (surplus to requirements) in his mouth... The pleasure was mine, really. Count on it. S
Back in Oz for the next 3 months. I'm legal to practice medicine here after a long 9 months of dealing with the Aussie Red tape. Spent the past few days in the Cairns (pron. "Cans") area and diving the Great Barrier Reef!
I'm curious about what is involved in getting licensed. My late Dad was a physician with a career that extended to pathologist. I'm also interested in medical costs and services. For example, do they have similar chaos of our medical insurance industry ... both patient and physician insurance? Thanks, Bob Wilson
A bit of a 'bump' I've finished the "working sabbatical" portion of our trip and am now on the 'Round the World portion. We're a few days into a 10 day trip through Southern New Zealand (Wellington and the South Island). From here we head to Tokyo, Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia, India, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain and France before finally getting "home" to the US in mid/late April. I have a ton of photos posted as well as some interesting blog updates if you have the time and interest to read them. Fusco Family Australian Adventure Collection: Australia Adventure Seek out the New Zealand Tour for the latest shots. So, by May 1 I should be back to full duties as your loving and caring moderator!