Jumping in Doc Evan, I just came from Best Buy and they have a brand new product. It is a black box that includes the antenna and wires needed to connect to a head unit (like what we have in our cars). They come in two models one for Sony and one for Pioneer (that is the one we need) The cost is $49.99 ....yes $49.99 ... I will be installing it over the holiday weekend and I will let everyone know how it goes. $49.99 no that is not a misprint. I don't need a $400.00 video to show me how to do it. Alan
Wow Alan, sounds interesting...what's the product name/number. Is it integrated--actually plugs into the back of the head unit and not FM modulated? Will it work through the touch screen? Please take photos and report back when you're done...sounds promising.
It looks like this one.... http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id...09&type=product but it states that it also requires this... http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id...23&type=product which is still only around $100... I will be anxious to hear how it works.
That's XMDirect - by Terk. Really a nice looking product by the same people that built the Commander, but Terk and Pioneer say it's not compatible with the head unit in our cars. On the other hand, I had someone at Crutchfield claim that it might "work", but would not be integrated - that is, it wouldn't be controllable by the steering wheel buttons, etc. I'm not sure how it would be tuned. Physically, it's a three-part system. The tuner and antenna are standard for all head units at $50, and the adapter is specific to the specific Sony or Pioneer or ?? head unit - also $50. If anyone can make this work in the Prius I'd welcome the news ASAP, because on the 5th I will be making an entertainment options presentation at the local Prius club.
I just put in the PriusXM. It and the DVD has my vote. Photos here: http://www.priuschat.com/forums/marathon-m...ev-vt11058.html
For those in southern latitudes who may have missed my earlier post regarding my 10-minute solution: Remove the vent panel and junction box to reach the back of the radio, and plug in the cable. Neatly bundle the extra wire and tuck it away. Put the module in the back slot of the glove box. Use double-stick tape to hold the antenna on the dash, forward - touching the glass. Dress the antenna wiring through one of the plastic panels, into the glove box. Plug it into the module. Reassemble. Stop. NOTES: 1. You can do a trial run without any penalty. Hook everything up as indicated and see how the reception is at YOUR latitude. 2. It'll take more than ten minutes the first time you do it, but I did it for a friend in seven minutes start to finish. Each club should have an experienced installer. 3. This procedure is so easy that it makes no sense not to buy the Solara kit from the dealer (less $$).