Score: Blue Origin Lost booster Upper stage achieved orbit Tesla Landed booster Lost upper stage No one hurt but it surprised a number of flights under or near the debris field. Everyone was surprised. Previous NOTAMs were for just the booster. I suspect future NOTAMs will alert to a debris field foot print and improved communications with ATC. The good news is the aircraft and falling debris are above the weather so visual diversions should be reasonable. Land and boats won't be so easily addressed. Bob Wilson
Asked and answered. Two methane burners launched on the same day! Good Stuff!! Bezos' non-phallic rocket pushed a payload into orbit on the first try, but didn't stick the landing for the booster. I like the plus-sized lift capacity of this bird and Bezos is leaning in good direction. Musk has some 'splaining to do to the FAA and I'm hearing about some sonic induced damage claims in the T&C - some perhaps valid. Defication happens BUT Space-X's 'move fast and break things' style may have to be attenuated somewhat. I've been wondering why they have been using a suborbital flight profile for the ship but I fix phones for a living and so I will wait and see what happens. Musk is playing with BIG stuff moving fairly fast. The ISS has something like a 450 tonne mass and Starship (meaning the Ship itself) aspires to be half of that - not all dry of course. Part of Musk's dream INVOLVES suborbital flight profiles - which is......ironic when you consider how the Space Race got started in the first place! If I were the new FAA boss, I'd want some answers too and I actually give them credit for paying out as much leash as they HAVE to date.
Between mux and bozo, we’ll be living in outer space in no time. I think their plan is to make life so intolerable on earth, we’ll actually want to move to mars