That's cool. I am curious to learn what you find as I haven't seen any of the blue ribbon models with a grey interior on the "Build Your Prius" site available in our area.
I spoke to the Inventory Manager at Round Rock Toyota today. He gave me a report showing the June allocations for the GST sales region. Here is a quick summary: Prius II - 749 Prius III w/Nav - 75 Prius IV (no packages) - 390 Prius IV w/Nav - 158 Prius IV w/SR - 65 Prius V w/ATP - 63 If this report is accurate, then Toyota has allocated 1500 Prius's to the Gulf States region (147 dealers) in June. My dealer currently (allegedly) has four on the lot. My sales woman said they sold four over the weekend. They are finally showing up here in Texas. Of course, it may be a long time until I see mine, since, there is only one Blue Ribbon Metalic/Bisque Prius V w/ATP in the June allocation for all of GST. I will just have to (im)patiently wait for mine to show up.
Anybody here have info on the production rates? I told my dealer about the possibility of waiting for the cash for clunkers law to come through. Of course he started telling me that after this large allocation each dealer is only going to be 1 per month. I call B.S. on that, considering that GST got 1500 for June. I remember seeing something about the production rates ramping up and the number of cars being available into July likely being higher. Does anybody remember/have that info?
Here is an article from a thread a while back on increases production: "Toyota Boosting Prius Production To Align Supply to Strong Demand " Green Car Advisor I highly doubt Toyota is going to be cutting back anything anytime soon with this being one of the few models that can drive their revenue this year. When is the first allocation set to hit Pat Lobb's showroom/parking lot?
Again, don't trust what a GST salesman says, its a culture of lies and deceit to profit off of the consumer. Toyota should just get rid of GST.
I am now the proud father of a 2010 Blue Ribbon Metallic Prius III! As an aside, I had an excellent experience working with Pat Lobb Toyota of McKinney. The others of you who said you're on the list there, expect a good experience.
Congrats. I went and checked out Pat Lobb after work. I really like the blue but the bisque interior kind of killed what they had on the lot for me. They still have 6-7 on the lot right now that just showed up in the past couple days. I am going to wait out to see what the next allocation which should come sometime early next week.
Hello Everyone, I just got around to signing up for PriusChat today and I want to thank everyone for all their comments and insights on the 2010 Prius. I picked up a 2010 Prius last Thursday from Metroplex Toyota and am enjoying the car (especially the smart key system and the smooth, quiet ride). My saleman was Michael Nguyen in their fleet department (Phu Ly helps him out) and he was fantastic. He was very knowledgable about the 2010 Prius, was able to find us one quickly, allowed us to customize the vehicle at port, kept us updated with the status of the car, and we were in and out of the dealership within 30 minutes. I highly recommend him. 2010 Toyota Prius Version II Silver with Misty Gray interior (the two-tone is very nice).
I am still in shock! I got a call this morning from my saleswoman telling me that my car will be at the dealer (Round Rock Toyota) around July 6-8. It will be exactly as I ordered, with no additional port installed options. I expected a much longer wait, since earlier this week I saw the June allocation report for GST and there was only one Prius V with ATP in Blue Ribbon Metallic/Bisque allocated to the entire region. I guess I was lucky that my dealer got the one that matched my order.
I talked to my sales rep again who talk to the guy who does the allocation stuff for the region. The Prius V with ATP won't be here in texas for another two months, and Blue/Red V w/ATP won't be here till October/November! He tried to tell me to go for a silver one to get it earlier but I said I'd rather wait for Blue/Red (I'm really tired of black/silver colored cars). Well at least this gives me a chance to save up for my down payment a little more...
I gave a call also everything you said seems to be correct. In June allocation for GST Region there are about 62 silver Pv with ATP. As you said no Blue or Red Pv with AT, on 12th allocation for GST.. The good news is my dealer is providing me information now, so I don't feel in the dark. John Gere and Scott Lyche have been a big help to me over at Fred Haas Toyota Country. :rockon:
Hayward Toyota 2010_Toyota_Prius Yep, it seems that Toyota is sending all of those cars to California. So close and yet so far!
The list I was given on June 16th shows 18 Blizzard Pearl, 18 Silver, 6 Black, 7 Red, 10 Sandy Beach, 2 Blue, and 2 Winter Gray model 1229 (Prius V) with ATP allocated to the GST region. I think the figures you are quoting are from the previous allocation. Of course, what really counts is what cars are actually showing up at the dealers. The web site for Champion Toyota of Austin shows one Prius V in stock (even though I don't know if this is real or not). As I said in an earlier post, my dealer told me that my Blue Ribbon Metallic Prius V with ATP is scheduled to arrive at the dealership between July 6th and 8th. I will believe it when I see it!
Yesterday I checked with the inventory manager at Round Rock Toyota and he said my Blue Ribbon Metallic Prius V with ATP will be arriving at the processing facility in Houston on July 8th and should be at the dealership 4-6 days later. Once again, I will believe it when I see it.
This morning my wife and I picked up our new 2010 Prius! It seems like forever, but it has only been about 10 weeks since we ordered our car. From what I had read in this forum, I knew getting a Blue Ribbon Metallic/Bisque Prius V with ATP was going to take some time, and a lot of luck. There was only one car (out of a total of 1500) in the late June allocation for GST that matched that description. When I was told the car would be here sometime in early July, I couldn't believe it. I started believing it when I got an actual date when the car would be at the processing facility in Houston. The car arrived in Houston on July 8th, left Houston and arrived in Round Rock on July 10th, and we picked up the car today (July 11th). I was also very thankful that they were able to get the car with no unwanted accessories or packages added by GST. I asked for the carpet floor mats and the (black) rubber rear bumper protector, and that is exactly what I got. Also, I was pleasantly surprised that there was absolutely no pressure to purchase additional coverage (e.g. the extended warranty) for the car. The finance officer simply told me what was available, and a simple "no, thank you" was all it took to complete the sale. I know Round Rock Toyota has several Prius V's on order, so I am ecstatic that we got the first one with ATP. I know they are still rare, but they are arriving (slowly) in Texas. I will post some pictures when I get a chance to edit them. YEE-HAW!
Hello IraS, congrats! I was just at Round Rock Toyota around 1 pm and saw a blue '10 in the delivery room (must be yours). Just curious, did you pay MSRP for it if you don't mind me asking? The sales manager we spoke to yesterday was firm on selling at MSRP.
If you were there at 1 PM yesterday, it was mine. We actually left with it around 2:00 PM. Yes, I paid MSRP. However, there were no "surprise" options. They only installed what I asked for - the carpet mats and the rear bumper protector. There was also no hassle from the finance officer about other coverages. He simply presented what was available and, when I said no, he didn't try to talk me into anything.