Can you drive the Prius Prime on gas only? The reason for asking is because I live in a apartment complex that doesn't have Hybrid charging stations. The closes one to me is 3 miles from me at Wholefoods parking lot they have 4 stations. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yes and it gives outstanding MPG. On a test loop, I did 10.5 miles and got 105.7 MPG. The extra depth of the battery and improved control laws makes the Prime the Prius we always dreamed about. My expectation is the Prius Prime will pretty much replace the Prius c ... not that there is anything wrong with the Prius c. Rather the Prius Prime has much lower aerodynamic drag which makes it a highway warrior. Bob Wilson
See if your employer will let you charge at work. Mine does.....of course I run the office and I can make sure that the car is on a dedicated circuit with a GCFI outlet. It may not be as heavy a lift as you think it is. You might even be able to get them to consider EV parking. I've also heard of apartment complexes being flexible about 120v charging at night, which makes more sense since the weed whackers and tool users will be off duty BUT then you have to worry about things like cord theft and misdirected social justice from passers-by who think that you're one of 'those' people stealing electricity. Even if you NEVER charge a Prime outside a Whole Foods parking lot, it's still a MUCH better car buck-for-buck than the hatch, and if you shop around a little and wait for all of the early adopters to get theirs first, there's no reason to pay more for a Prime than a comparably equipped hatch.....especially if Joisey has state PHEV kickbacks to go with the federal moo-lah. You're in the rust belt (kinda-sorta.) Primes ought to be cheaper than they are out on the left coast. Five years from now a used Prime will be worth a LOT more than a used G4 - especially if the model proves to be reliable (you have the same basic chances as with the G4) and more especially if gas prices go up. Good Luck!
I don"t work at Wholefoods I just shop there . I mentioned them because they and Mom's Organic food are the only close places that have charging stations next to me but thanks for the info on the Prime . I currently drive a 2010 Prius 4 but that Prime is bad nice person Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.