Of that there is no doubt! I still think it's a cultural thing though. Despite libel laws etc (which I do not understand) over here I still think there is more freedom in what a programme like Top Gear can or cannot say compared to the US. It was often said Top Gear couldn't be made in the US for that very reason - a sponsor wouldn't want their product slated by the very programme it was sponsoring. Top Gear maybe thought they could carry on as they do back home and now the Californian lawyers have caught up with them. It'll all come out in the wash, but I have a feeling Top Gear will be pulled from your screens -which many will like and many won't. As Clarkson recently said on Top Gear - the UK is the only place in the world where you could introduce your best mate as "this is Bob, he's a right twat". Our humour sometimes travels (Monty Python, Fawlty Towers) but other times it doesn't (Top Gear, Dads Army). Edited to add the following link about Clarkson being an a***hole; http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepag...arkson-Now-I-find-Im-the-new-Tiger-Woods.html
There is a considerable minority in the US that does get it. Unfortunately there are a larger number of that don't get it.
And yet we allow advertisements for "natural" supplements that make all sorts of outrageous claims. In the U.K. they would be pulled off the air in a New York minute. Trying to find consistency in law is a fool's game. Tom
There are quite a few here in the UK who take the show at face value, they repeat all the remarks like "Americans can't make cars that go around corners" and take the satire as intelligence! I hope they do sue successfully and show what a fraud the show is. Personal opinions is a way of saying what you like here as the slander laws almost defy slander.
Park a police cruiser bumper to bumper with a Prius then broadcast that still image. What do the vast majority see? A Prius that could only be stopped by a cop car. Nobody wants to hear the boring fact that the responding officer did that as a precaution because of the type of call and few bothered to find & read his report. What if Tesla wins then finds it owns the BBC? Perhaps we just need the knight to come around & hit both parties with the rubber chicken. So as not to slander or libel anyone I will refrain from saying that I didn't know priests in England drove cabs.
I wouldn't say taxi drivers were that way inclined! But there have been two rather high profile multiple murders over here in the last 6 months or so and both were committed by taxi drivers. One went on a shooting rampage (going postal?) and the other appears to have killed his fares and burried them. Getting a bit of stick off my mates about it and I'm wondering if I'm in the wrong job. Why taxi drivers? Is it the long lonely hours? Is it the high cost of fuel or does pollution affect your brain? Perhaps the high emf fields in the Prius are protecting me?
At least it's disracted them from taking the piss out of the prius for a little while Nah, the EMF has shrunk your balls to the point you no longer feel like raping your fares, then panicking and killing them. Just a theory!
You guys better be careful or you'll end up on Top Gear. Remember "check your mirrors, change gear, murder a prostitute, change gear, murder a prostitute, check your mirrors, murder....it's a lot of work this lorrying."