Right, but they were reporting the 7% drop that was already priced in that day. So markets already reacted. Not to say others didn’t chew on it this weekend and react today. I’m personally long on Tesla, and may buy more soon.
Talking to some folks at work, some rumors Musk is going to leave Tesla a la Ebay to spend more time at SpaceX. So insiders could be selling if that is the case. Hope not true.
Musk never had anything to do with Ebay other then to unload Paypal to Ebay just as a class action lawsuit against Paypal was getting underway, after which he joined the founders of Tesla and then kicked them out and here we are, now the question is, will it stop at 250$ and wait for 3rd quarter results or will it move more?
I'd be rather shocked at that development. He has always said he will stay with Tesla for a long time yet, and scale back his involvement once they are really set up for the long haul.
Agree it is unlikely true, just trying to theorize why the continued downward pressure when otherwise there seems to be no obvious new information to drive the stock that direction, rather the opposite. There is still too much leadership needed from him and don't see him exiting at this point in good faith.
when you sell a company, you are required to disclose and pending lawsuits or knowledge of possible threats of action against you or your company.
https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2018-10-10/elon-musk-can-relax-china-s-nio-is-no-tesla-killer This probably worries me more than any of the other TSLA news. The ChiComs aren't going to happily 'let' 300 million drivers drive a foreign flagged car, and anyone who thinks that they are incapable of developing a domestically produced product - and then EXPORTING it just hasn't been paying attention lately.
I guess I don't fully understand your statement. Are you worried that Tesla won't be able to sell any cars in China, or that China will build cars that Americans and Europeans want? Or both?
Both. I'd like to see the US continue to develop a leadership role in BEVs, not just write the "Don't let this happen to you!" chapter.
That limited production - barely street legal Nio is one badass car, holding a speed/time record at the German Nurnberger race/test track. Hard to poo-poo that kind of credibility. EDIT: Just checked - looks like McLaren's hybrid barely street-legal racer recaptured the track record .... putting dino-juice tech back into the game .
Well, you do realize they are building a Gigafactory in China soon, right? Also, I would be ridiculously surprised if any Chinese cars ever sell in any sort of volume in the US. So many battery issues, not to mention it isn't cheap to build them to US safety specs.
Don't underestimate the eeuge power of Jie-nah - they make probably at least ⅞ if the junk Walmart sells. .
Yep, they sell lots of stuff in markets that aren't regulated. Food and cars are a tougher environment.