none of that either. i'm all in individual dividend stocks. as they suspend dividends, i'm moving into cash, waiting to swoop in after the crash
that . . . & the ~95% effective / minimal side affects / multiple companies vaccine on the very soon horizon. .
Rebalancing S&P 500 means an equivalent dollar value of the other 499 plus the one dropped. Look for bargains. Bob Wilson
That's continued horrible advice for years. Cost many folks a lot of money. Please don't become an analyst.
.... & they damned one of the best cars ever made, the Prius. Similarly our Canon SLR digital - one of the company's greatest sellers. Not that we don't always appreciate the FUD ... i'm sure the handful of voices crying in the wilderness, "stop buying teslas already!" will turn everybody on to hydrogen cars. Let the droning-on continue ! "they're flying off the shelves!" "They're getting more popular!" .... baahhhh - no worse than the federal reserve. .
Any monetary device could be said to have elements of a pyramid scheme. The safest asset in the world is the U.S. dollar. Yet it is only as valuable as the faith others have in it. If most everyone thinks it isn't worth the paper (or now electrons) it's printed on, it becomes worthless. Back to bartering? What say ye?
Ponzi gave pyramids schemes a bad name. In reality pyramids, such as in Egypt, have very solid foundations and last for thousands of years. I think most public companies would love to emulate that. Mike
My expectation is to see 800-1200 per TSLA share by (buy) the time of S&P 500 inclusion. The same fiscal blindness of earlier SHORTs will lead to over optimistic valuation. Bob Wilson
too much money chasing too few investments. eventually, goldman sachs winds up with most of the money, or jamie diamond. the masses get just enough to keep them in the game. doesn't hurt to keep interest rates artificially low
As the stock ran up past $540 this morning Elon Musk passed Bill Gates and is now the 2nd richest person. .