Not going to happen. The cost of cars goes up over time. Like the "true $35,000 Model 3" you will never see it. At least if you buy the car you will have something durable for your money. The stock? It can go to zero. Look at the stock now. It's on a downward skid.
I was being sarcastic. The dude clearly hasn't done a ton of stock investing, or even learned much about it.
I invested in WebVan, and, among others. I also traded using EF Hutton. So I have seen my share of failures. I have a few success stories, too. Tesla, Twitter and Uber will not be among the winners, in my opinion. And we will not see Full Self Driving in the next three years. Your opinions may vary.
Did EF Hutton recommend those? I guess it was true ...when EF Hutton speaks, people listen. I think that we will "see" FSD within 3 years. I just don't think that there will be this mass movement to use actual FSD. By this I mean no one in the driver seat and a robotaxi customer in the back seat enjoying their ride. I've been in an autonomous Lyft car twice. Safety driver behind the wheel with an observer in the front seat with a laptop. Driver with hands 1/4" from wheel. Pre-mapped routes accepted only (in Las Vegas between hotels and convention center only) IMO, there are too many edge cases, too many last 100 feet case and too many user interface issues to be figured out to roll out everywhere in such a short time. And the regulatory and legal and insurance issues could take years. Mike
Tesla has been “on the edge” ever since they were created, at least according to pundits. Is it possible they could be right this time? Sure, but their records in the past on TSLA inspire less confidence than Elon’s timeline predictions
i could be wrong, but i suspect tesla is now too big to fail. they will probably keep pushing the envelope, not making a profit, and investors will see the overall growth and advancement, and constant input of needed cash will continue. it's a continuing shift in fuels and philosophies that won't change as long as tesla is around. other car makers and governments will have to keep investing until it will be too late to go back.
When Tesla themselves reports that they might not have enough battery supply to make the model Y, and announces their $2B funding is only enough for 2 more quarters, and in the same week Tesla energy is all but out of business (38% off on whatever they have left in panels and powerwalls? Sounds like a fire sale), and NY is on their butt about their workforce commitments per funding contract at Giga 2, I can see why the stock is down near $200. I'm wondering why it isn't far below that, actually. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to own one of their cars someday, but it always seems like Tesla is a train wreck happening in slow motion, and then somehow lands back onto the tracks for another few miles. The thing is, it is Elon who is blasting this info himself, good and bad, on the twitter, or is interviewed and saying all this stuff that makes me wonder why the Board is even allowing him this latitude of negative communication. He can make the stock rise or fall all by himself, and often on the same day. No other sensible company would have him as a spokesman.
Good points. It's easy to see that this company is flying into the ground. My prediction is that the company will be sold off, or broken up. The auto driving tech would likely be the most valuable part of the puzzle. In one year, Tesla will be owned by a ride share firm, an automaker, or a tech firm like Google or Apple.
I was there, in Seattle when Amazon was born and occupied an outdated hospital overlooking the Rainier Valley and downtown Seattle. I also saw the massive bubble burst on the vast majority of the tech startups. My company was doing electrical and mechanical work for WebVan and data center work for dozens of other startups. We were getting rich. Then it all went down the toilet. Why? Cash flow. Amazon produced cash and managed their cash flow. Tesla does not manage theirs. By the time a company says what Musk just announced, it is too late. Unless Tesla can raise more cash, they are doomed. How many investors in the latest round would have pulled out if Musk had announced that judgement day was 6 months ahead without yet another round of funding? The pent up demand for Tesla cars is gone, and so is the plan to raise cash by increasing sales and boosting margins. This is a company awash in debt, attempting to build too fast both here and overseas. The stock continues to sink even in weekend trading. The shorts are having a field day, not based on market manipulation, but based on economic fundamentals. While talk of robotaxis and autonomous driving is cool, they are not going to happen in the required timeline and the "value" of these services questionable at best. As soon a robotaxis hit the streets (if they do), watch out for regulation and taxation. Plus there are dozens of pitfalls that cannot even be imagined with Musk's plan.
you don't like it when musk overshoots, or when he undershoots. that's the nature of business, and it happens all the time
No other sensible company would have had the cajones to disrupt the auto industry. Love him or hate him, Elon is a visionary that will be long remembered in history.
Seeing the shift the traditional car companies are making into plug ins, Tesla already succeeded.Their demonstrating that there is demand for BEVs, and China, mean those companies aren't going to stop if Tesla does fail as a company. Even if they did, someone would snatch them up for charging network and battery supplies. And technology, seems they have the best motors in the business. Elon was not a founding a member of Tesla. The basic business plan of starting with high end cars and moving down was in place before him. His money and marketing did help get the company to where it is today.