How much demand is there really beyond the early adopters absent a lower price or a government mandate? How much brainpower does Tesla have to devote to a China expansion and a US factory at the same time maintaining and improving their current production lines? Considering they will bring out 3 or 4 new models in the next 18 months. Aren't they already stretched.?
I like to think of Tesla as an energy company, not a car manufacturer. Batteries (for stationary and motive applications), solar panels, whatever else they can contribute to the electric life ecosystem (vs. fossil ecosystem). Cars are hopefully a good way to get people excited about it, but hopefully it's just the flower with fruit coming later...
1. They will have plenty of demand until the Model Y comes out. After that I'm sure the 3 numbers will drop some. 2. Well, we could have asked the same thing how they were going to expand when they only had 100 employees and a couple executives. It's called expansion. 3. Not sure where you are getting 3 or 4 new models unless you don't believe in "Elon-time." The Y may start shipping in 18 months. I'd be happy with that. 3 or 4, nah.
How much demand is there really beyond the early adopters absent a lower price or a government mandate? From the Q3 report 2018,"As of September 30, 2918 and December 31, 2017, we [TSLA rjw] held $905.8 million and $853.9 million, respectively, in customer deposits." Tesla has already produced a $45k, mid-range model, and the Federal tax credit will expire by the end of 2019 which is common knowledge. State incentives continue at least in California and no change in CARB credits, yet. How much brainpower does Tesla have to devote to a China expansion and a US factory at the same time maintaining and improving their current production lines? Like any other company, you hire the talent you need. As Tesla did before, you lay them off or they leave once their jobs are done. Considering they will bring out 3 or 4 new models in the next 18 months. Aren't they already stretched.? It is a better problem than GM has. Being too busy means job security. Counting flowers on the wall, not so much. Fair notice, I withdrew part of my 401k money and put it in TSLA. I sold 28% of the TSLA stock to diversify into gold, KL. Since the first week of November, both have as of yesterday stock prices up 27%, TSLA, and 25%, KL. Bob Wilson
the naysayers & Hand wringers have been saying the sky is falling ever since folks were waiting for the first version of the Roadster. Also - I don't understand why the "early adopters" (is attached often as a stigma) has to be associated with some kind of dread. I mean geez, they've already done the impossible just coming into existence, and now they're showing a profit. .
If there are all these reservations as indicated by the financials, how come there are postings telling of inventory, demos, rejects and fast deliveries I'm reading in delivery threads on Tesla forums? Or are the reservations all for the $35k lower margin vehicle?
GE is under seven dollars GM went bust and screwed the stockholders gold could drop to 400 anything is possible, tesla stock is not for the faint of heart
Let me preface this by saying 1) I have no financial position wrt to Tesla or any other auto maker and 2) that the Model S was the first car I really was excited for, and it's still my dream car. I recently watched The Smartest Guys In The Room, and I have to say there are a lot of comparisons to be drawn. I want to be clear that I am not in any way saying Tesla is a fraud gasoline is the future everybody short TSLA or anythign of the sort. Just that there were probably 2 dozen times I thought to myself -- "huh, that's almost exactly like when Elon said ______" if you haven't seen it, or it's been a while since you have, it's very much worth a (re-)watch.
This has been asked, and answered many times. 400,000 reservations. About half of those are outside North America. Most think more than half are for the base model, which isn’t available yet, but let’s assume it is half. That brings us to 100,000 reservations in North America for the non-base Model 3 cars. Estimates for Model 3 deliveries (excluding Canada) are 116,000, so yes, all the initial reservations in the USA are gone, and there are still about 300,000 on the books.
Those are documented, SEC enforced, accurate numbers. I don't know since I am not a member or follow those postings. Perhaps you might post a list of those complaints? The reason I ask is perhaps I can arrange a private sale from them with a deep depreciation. Certainly no harm in asking. Tesla does not break down the reservations by model, just the total. Bob Wilson
Tesla discounted the Model 3 by $5k a few weeks ago, premium package is now standard. This brings total MSRP to $47,200 which is still far too steep IMO. In addition there are inventory models used for test drives as well as "floor models" which were likely rejected deliveries -- think "open box returns". Your best bet is to go to the dealership and talk to sales. They had 2 floor models when I went. I wouldn't have trusted either one of them.
I'm pretty sure the mid-range Tesla is priced at $45k. I visited the Nashville store the end of September. When I asked, they said it would take +30 days. My understanding is a new Tesla order is built to the customer specifications. To get a used Tesla: New & Used Electric Cars | Tesla Listings | Only Used Tesla Used Tesla for Sale (with Photos) - CARFAX Perhaps you are confusing a used Tesla from a new, returned Tesla? Bob Wilson
Nope. It's $47,200. Read the fine print -- unlike every other manufacturer, Tesla excludes their $1200 delivery fee from MSRP. And also no. There are floor models that are considered new as they have not yet been titled to a customer, but are discounted. They qualify for the tax credit too.
Uh, you moved the goal posts. So are we comparing MSRP or MSRP with all fees including sales tax? Great! I need to visit Nashville in a few days and will stop by the Tesla Store. I'll let them know they have floor models for sale. This close to Christmas, I'm sure they will be thrilled. Bob Wilson
When I placed my M3 reservation there was no place to indicate which specific model I wanted. A few months before my spot in line was near the top I was able to login to an account and say what I wanted...and I could go back and change it any time I wanted. Then with about a month to go I had to configure my car and choose...or delay until later and more choices were available...or I had a bigger bank account...or I had convinced my spouse...or the weather was better. Once configured and more money was put down, then it was an official order and a VIN number was assigned shortly after. Mike
Tesla did not discount the LR Model 3. They did come out with a Mid Range version, which is priced lower. Tesla stores are being allocated a couple of 'floor models'. I don't know if they are replenished, or on what schedule. This is new to Tesla and I sense they are seeing how well it works. So definitely stop in and check if you really are interested. Tesla does have vehicles they discount if they have been used as test drive vehicles or loaners. Discounts depend upon age and mileage.