ahh haaa ..... so the whole bait-and-switch comment was just trying to get a reaction? I see. (sigh) Well I guess there's one in every crowd. .
Hmmm... As yet at least, I, a reservation holder, haven’t received any notice of this (if indeed it’s true).
I am a waitlister. I have a $1000 refundable deposit on file. I have not been asked for another $2500. When I exercise my reservation and actually order my car, I will be asked for an additional non-refundable $2500 deposit to confirm an order for a custom car built to my specifications. Anything anyone else says is completely uninformed.
Is the Model 3 $35.000, as promised? Or have they added another 20K in options? I'm seeing a lot more Tesla's in my neck of the woods. The top-of-the-line Model S. $100,000? I was right behind one this morning, and sure enough, he pulled into the driveway of a 5 million dollar home facing the beach. But I'm not jealous... not at all.
Ah, that’s believable. Off the top of my head, I think a top-of-the line Model S runs somewhere around $135K. They are not yet shipping the base-trim level Model 3. I imagine this will be among the last to ship, but I don’t know that...
The base $35,000 model 3 with no options will be available in 6 to 9 months as promised on schedule (2019).
Ha, So...The Thousand Dollars I put down two years ago for a 35,000$ Tesla....which is unobtainable, in other words....Bait and Switch. Is now to be joined by another 2500$...”Deposit” for a 35,000$ Tesla, which is unobtainable, in other words...another bait and switch. I’m waiting for PayPal to get involved
Tesla Asks Model 3 Waitlisters for Another $2,500 An additional $2,500 per vehicle should provide Tesla with much needed cash during its critical second quarter. The firm does not break down reservations by region, and has not disclosed a reservation number recently. Currently, customers can choose between Model 3 Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive, Model 3 Long Range Dual Motor All-Wheel Drive and the Model 3 Performance. The basic Model 3 sedan, which has a less expensive battery, starts at $35,000 and is not yet available.
Why would anyone wait a few years for a new car, it's just a Tesla! We're not talking about a hand built Rolls Royce!!
If you don't know the answer to your own question, no amount of explanation will make you understand. The Future is at hand.
Well, the $35K version isn’t available *yet*, but it will be. I personally am fine with them building the highest-margin cars first; they need the revenue. I just asked at the local Tesla “studio” what happens if you want the $35K version and it’s not available when they invite you to configure (place your order): Short summary, they hold your place at the front of the line until it is available, then you can configure (and pay the $2500 quasi-down-payment).
I am so confused. So much information and every one has their own thoughts. I guess if we really want to save the planet we should just walk. Green car giant Tesla ‘no cleaner than petrol rivals’ | News | The Sunday Times
no need to be confused by fud, just follow the science. more and more sustainable energy is being produced every year. electric cars will keep getting cleaner, while fossil fuel won't. and that's not to mention the myriad of other problems they create.