Let me put this another way. See this tank at KSC? It's pretty big (850,000 gallons) but it stores about the same amount of energy as all the batteries made by a gigafactory in 4 months.
If the farmer can live with the venting. Outside of planting and harvest, those large tractors will spend a lot time parked. The little hydrogen tank in the BMW bi-fuel would vent empty in 10 to 14 days. So these tractors losing fuel will be something farmers will have accept. A storage tank can pack on more insulation to slow the hydrogen boiling, but it will happen. "The ongoing problem during Apollo and the shuttle era was significant boil off or evaporation and the operational limitations. ... Fesmire noted that roughly half of the liquid hydrogen purchased to fuel the space shuttle's three main engines was lost due to boil off evaporation." - https://www.nasa.gov/feature/innovative-liquid-hydrogen-storage-to-support-space-launch-system That was NASA, who had huge tanks, and is now going to refrigerated tanks. Farms will have smaller tanks with more surface area, so they will warm up faster. Was it cheaper than transporting diesel or electricity?
Which is why they now use cryo-coolers. No, it's not. But it's massively cheaper than transporting large amounts (megawatt hours) of electricity to the middle of a corn field at average rates in the megawatts.
There are small farms and big ones. And the big ones are all using rented tractors and equipment for the planting and harvest. Little tractors in between. No sense (or cents) to own the big ones for two weeks a year. Co-op or rent works better for the cash flow. And in the awful case where the crop fails, there is little to no loss of paying for that tractor.
Hmmm...I follow two farms on YouTube, and they both own their own. One of them is a total of 1,600 acres, so not exactly small.
This could be said about the future of Hydrogen too!! It’s okay recognize this for BEV but not for Hydrogen huh?
Because the hydrogen lobby has been making promises for decades based on ground breaking improvements of the type that rarely happen.
Well It looks like it’s happening now, daily news on Hydrogen and it’s development for future transportation.
except for 2 things - 1 - this is a 'testa quality" thread, nothing to do with hydrogen. 2 - the same can NOT be said about hydrogen cars, because they've been unable to make it practical for many many decades, both the cars, as well as impractical infrastructure. But thanks anyway, for turning literally every post & thread into a hydrogen discussion despite such a fraction of a minority involved in the taxpayer-funded decades-long experiment. Never gets old - regurgitating the same ol' data yes, the incessant PR ad's ... to try to get people to give it a whirl, and yet despite the tons they spend on these commercials, the numbers are, as described earlier, tantamount to a rounding error in percentages of non gasser infrastructure . Even these advertisement spending dollars could have been better spent by taxpayers on quick Chargers. And thanks again, for still more free advertising for off topic / impractical Transportation experiment. But on the bright side, maybe in just 10 more years. .
When I compare working on the 2003 Prius to our 2019 Tesla Model 3, the Tesla wins hands down. Bob Wilson
I think you had to move the engine to change the spark plugs on a six cylinder Outback. On the glass house front, the Tundra has come off CR's recommended list because of reliability. https://www.motorbiscuit.com/1-reason-2023-toyota-tundra-no-longer-recommended-by-consumer-reports/