I was stopped at the intersection of California 16 and California 20 in Colusa County with friends in 7 other sports cars in when a Tesla S stopped across the road for a couple of minutes. This was way out in the boondocks so I suspect he was deciding which way to go next.
I have been seeing them all over the Bay Area and Monterey. I've seen some in Sacramento and even saw one in Auburn! I am quite amazed with how many I have seen.
Saw probably 10 around Sacramento and Davis this weekend including a truck load on the I-5 south headed to either LA or San Diego and a Roadster outside the Sac. Convention Center. Also saw one yesterday back home on Mira Mesa Blvd. heading west at the Westview Pkwy. intersection. This is outside the Trader Joes and Forever 21 across from UC Davis campus
Where I roam, SF Peninsula, I see them fairly often, 2 or 3 a week. Very nice lines! The last one I saw, with dealer plates and was black color, the passenger door was wavy! Like it was in an accident and repair was poorly done. Are the body panels plastic like Saturns?
i saw one on the mass pike yesterday around exit 14 headed in to boston. i think it was they dark grey. was too excited that i was actually seeing one to take a picture.
I See a black model s nearly on a daily basis driving around North Vancouver. Not sure if its the same car i keep seeing or multiple cars, always black. Have seen one parked at a house a few blocks down the road from where I live. First time I saw one parked at the nearby university i thought it was a Maserati. Then on closer inspection noticed the lack of exhaust pipe and Tesla badge! From what I understand there were around 70 model s on order for Vancouver area earlier in the year so could very well be multiple cars I'm seeing. Hottest car I've ever seen in my life.
We went to a frend's hybrid/EV potluck this morning. Seen plenty of 'em here in south OC. But this was my 1st time getting in one and monkeying around with one. Both she-who-must-be-obeyed as well as my self were very much in lust & envy mode. The owner said he'd driven over 50 miles to come to the pot luck, and 'only' had a tad more than 200 miles of range left. .
Got a close look at a deep green one today. That is one NICE color (on a nice car). I even know the owner, so might be able to finagle a ride...
Yes ~ the one in our pictures is/was so dark, that our pictures (cloudy day) make it look black. I had to show one of the potluck persons that it was in fact green.
The first Model S I saw was a month and a half ago, and I got to drive it briefly. This was an 85 kWh but not the performance model. A fellow from Idaho who I met last year at Plug-In Day needed a place to charge up while in Spokane. He let me drive it for a bit before we plugged it in at my place and then went for a ride in the Roadster. Last year he had told me "Don't test-drive a Model S, because if you do you will REALLY, REALLY want one." This, of course, made me want to drive one, but not badly enough to go all the way to Seattle. The car is indeed a luxury to drive, and though less powerful than my Roadster, it had plenty of oomph. The display and controls were impressive. But it was too big for me. I don't like big cars. The Prius is bigger than I really need or like. The Zap Xebra was the perfect size for me, and I'd probably still have it if it hadn't been so underpowered. So, while the S is IMO the finest big sedan around, I'll stick with my Roadster.
I got to see another Model S last week. Well, it was more like a couple hundred of them. But I am not sure if that really counts seeing as I was at the Tesla plant in Fremont. But when I was leaving, I did see a Model S leaving, and a roadster arriving.
I've had the Prius 3rd Gen and now a Prius C. I'm okay with the size on the latter, but it's just too confining for passengers 6 feet or taller. Do you find the Model S is noticeably more sizeable than the 3rd Gen Prius? I wouldn't need something larger but would appreciate something that provides a tad more space for the more vertically endowed among us.
I'm 5' 6" tall and weigh about 137, so I cannot really judge how a tall person would feel in any car. But the Model S is a big car. I suspect it would suit most people. I've only ridden in a Gen III Prius once, and I don't remember it being much bigger than my 2004, but again, any car is roomy enough for me. The Model S, however, is much bigger than a Prius, and, again, I think anybody who finds it too confining could probably get a job in a circus. Someone who has a Model S and is tall could answer the question better than I.
My understanding is that some tall people have an issue with headroom in the back seat. There is a huge amount of space in the car. I do agree with Daniel and prefer a smaller car. However, the Roadster was too small for us. And no other electric offers more than an 80 mile range (except the Rav4ev which is not available in MN). Frankly, the third gen sedan would be the perfect car for us. However we are quite happy with second best for now
OK, I'm 6 feet (but slender at 145-150 pounds) and find the driver's seat to be comfortable enough in a C. And yes, I'd heard about the limited backseat headroom in the S...guess that's a price one pays for the unprecedented range they've achieved.
It is a combination of two factors. First, the form of the car, sloping back into the hatchback. Second, the battery pack takes away 4 inches of height and Tesla didn't want to increase the height of the roof. For me, I have never had a passenger that complained about the back seat headroom and have had people as tall as 6'4". But that back seat headroom definitely seems to be the weak spot.
One of our neighbors (about 200 yards from us) got one about a week ago: Strange thing ... their house is a total dump. worst of 500 in our community ... paint pealing off ... upstairs balcony got termites ... they just skill sawed it off (watch that 1st step it's a doozy). Looking into their garage window shows junk to the ceiling (hoarders) etc etc ... so their Tesla sits in the sun all day. Now that's priorities (shaking head). So besides seeing 'em all over now ... and a neighbor having one ... I'm officially not bothering to look for 'em ... any more than spotting a Prius. .