Astute comparison...and the Amazon also had profitability questions after their first 4-5 years, but Amazon is creating a new infrastructure and disrupting an existing one while largely MEETING their performance promises. Also.....they build a relationship with their customer by doing a number of things right saaaaaay...12-100 times a year for relatively small sums. Tesla has to get a very few (1-3) very long term transactions right or the individual will stop buying their crap. Elon is very clearly committed to the idea that he's changing the whole planet all by himself (just ask him!) and he put nearly a half a gigabuck of his OWN MONEY on the betting tables to get Space-X off the ground (pun almost unintended) and came to within a whisker of losing it all, so it's pretty clear that money for it's own sake is clearly NOT his North Star.....
i wish i could remember what thread that was in. some professor somewhere i think.he laid out a pretty good case, but yeah, they can't go to zero.
amazon then, and amazon now, a tale of two companies. i guess we'll have to wait ten more years to see how tesla develops.
Hindsight is 20/20. If you were short Amazon, Netscape, and whatever that company was that had the super bowl commercial with cat herding, you probably came out ahead overall.
Yes, I was referring to the Plugin vehicle market. So the BEV market is not a zero sum game, it has lots of room to grow by taking market share from ICE vehicles. The only thing slowing down Tesla taking more market share is their limited production capability. I am not a stock analyst, nor a financial advisor. My best guess would simply be from reading the reports from stock analysts. Consider their reports and judge accordingly. Much of it all depends upon Tesla being able to execute their plans. Tesla is a difficult stock to be certain of where they are going. They have a great goal, and an excellent plan to get there. However, they are in an incredibly challenging industry to break into, and they are expanding at breakneck speeds without the cash cows of ICE trucks and big SUVs. Weather or not someone would want to invest in TSLA depends upon their reasons for investing and time frame. If you day trade, investing in any company is simply gambling. If you are trading with a 5-15 year horizon, I would suggest TSLA is a sure thing to grow faster than any other auto company. If you are a conservative trader, I would suggest a small position might be appropriate, if you can handle a high risk stock. As for me, I am holding right now. I believe in the company, its goals, and its ability to deliver based on its history (not on time, but they do deliver).
Still trying to raise cash in new ways! Tesla asks Model 3 reservation holders for $2500 to order Model 3
Not sure I would want a Model 3 made this week, as it may have build issues, with Tesla's staff being pushed to get them out the door to meet his goal! Tesla lagging on Model 3 production, workers say
You are joking, right? Next Tesla will be asking people to actually pay money for their cars?!? I don't think I would call this a new way of raising cash. When I order many products or services I am asked to place a deposit.
I've spent way too much time today looking at Tesla and Ford financials online. Basically, Tesla has a bigger market cap than Ford, which to my way of thinking says that the market is predicting Tesla will be bigger than Ford at some point in the future. That would put Tesla around $100 billion in sales annually with about $10 billion in earnings after taxes, which is smaller than Ford is today but Ford stock is so cheap it seems the market is expecting it to shrink or hit an iceberg or something. To put $100 billion in perspective, 10K Model 3s a week at $50K each is $25 billion in annual sales. They're going to need a few more blockbuster models to reach $100 billion and be able to sustain that year after year. If you think they'll do that then $350 a share is a fair price, assuming they don't dilute the shares by issuing more stock to raise capital. If you think that Tesla can steal the entire market share of Ford and GM combined (not totally unrealistic, if you think those companies will be pushed out of business due to not successfully making the transition to BEVs) then the current stock price might be a bargain, and the low Ford price today indeed will have been forward looking. Just trying to translate the current stock price into market share for my own sanity. It seems like some pretty high expectations are already priced in, and that's why I'm not rushing to invest in Tesla right now.
looks like a complete hit piece, rehashing every negative that has happened since the get go, it's such a give away.
Tesla’s business plan is not just cars, a big growth factor is in batteries for backup/grid management. Both residential and grid scale projects. While Tesla has a much smaller production capacity, they also have assets Ford lacks. Their have their own sales and service infrastructure. Tesla also has a charging infrastructure unmatched by the others (right now). The slower the other companies are to build compelling EVs, the quicker Tesla can expand in the car market. They have had a decade, and some are getting close. But with the advantages mentioned above, I don’t see Tesla disappearing anytime soon.
Actually no, Tesla has always asked for $2500 to confirm an order with the balance due at delivery. The article is also wrong in another respect regarding delivery date. My SIL confirmed his model 3 order this morning with a $2500 nonrefundable deposit. He was given a specific delivery date. In about 6 weeks he will be driving his new model 3 home. He is selling his late model Mazda 3 which he owns free and clear. He says the model 3, which he will charge at home with solar panels, will save him over $200 a month in gasoline cost
Are you saying the claims in this article are false? If Tesla ends up reporting that they only made 4200 cars this week, and Model S and X production were down (due to focusing resources on the Model 3), it would seem to confirm that this article was spot on.
I have only order one car in my life and it was for a Mini Cooper. No deposit was asked of me. But what do I know.
not at all, how would i know? but whenever i read an article about bad news, and then there's 5 more paragraph's reiterating past bad news to make it look REALLY bad, i can read between the lines.
if they are allowing all of the reservation holders to place an order, how could they possibly give them a delivery date?
Its an estimate. Most of the estimates are over three months. Some may be more specific, but not all.