I haven't tried the SR ventilation with the moonroof open but I know it works while in the tilt position. In regards to the LED lights though, I installed HIDs the day I took delivery and the visibility is probably comparable to the output of other OEM kits and LED headlamps minus the auto leveling feature. Its a simple solution but its not as cool as having the quad projectors on the LED headlights haha.
Well grandma isn't going to like any modern car. A few years ago, my great granmother was in a serious accident with my dad. They were in a new camry at the time. Luckily both were wearing a seat belt, and all air bags went off. My dad went through unharmed. My great grandmother was really small, so she got some bruises with the airbags going off. Still, she had minor injuries and considering that car was totaled, it's better then anything serious. Your grandma will probably tollerate you making sure she gets the seat belt buckeled (if only to get the sirens to stop)....and the airbags she'll only know about if you're ever in an accident. It sounds like you're looking at the IV with solar package...the only reason I'd consider a V is for an ATP. I haven't tried the sunroof while open: the ventilation isn't that strong, so I'm assuming it would be more of a detriment then useful.
May i ask what do you mean balence? If your asking why would i trade a mustang for a prius is simply because my mustang is stick shift and im tired of driving stick shift, plus my best friend Andrew is a single teen dad his babys mom left she wanted nothing to do with them, so i help him out a lot because he dosent drive, so trying to put a carseat in the back of my mustang is a job. but im not getting a prius just because of him. i like the shape of the prius its very cool looking. not to metion the technology behinde the prius. i was considering trading my mustan for the newer mustang but they just dont fit my needs id like to have a biger car with 4 doors and its better than trying to fit 4 people in my mustang for a road trip. so i thought about it and it was toyota prius or honda insight hahaha jk no it was between the toyota prius, ford fusion hybrid or ford escape hybrid, and i chose the prius for certain basic features, the only question id like to know is how come the ford fusion can go the speed of 40-45mph on the electric motor alone and the prius cant? you think with the prius being around longer would be able to go faster in that stage but its ok prius for me.
thats what i tell her these seat belts and airbags are for your own safety but idk shes funny. but i just wated to know that if they tighten up automatically on there own when the brakes are pushed hard because when she drives she drive defencive and lets just say scary.
Yes, it is a great car for a teen and if and when my niece decides to get her license, I would want her to have a Prius as basic transportation. You don't need a IV or V but tint the windows as suggested and use a heat shield to help the keep the interior cooler. I saved a ton of money by having my leather seats installed after purchasing the car and intend to do the same with the fog lights. Enjoy it and by all means take it for a test drive to ensure that the fit is right for you.
It's because the media confuses EV Drive Mode with EV Mode on the Prius. EV Drive Mode on the Prius (that is, pressing the EV button) only allows the Prius to go up to 25mph in pure electric without firing up the engine (i.e. you can accelerate harder without the engine firing up). EV mode which is the same as the Fusion Hybrid allows speeds up to 43mph (70km/h) so it's comparable to the Fusion.
Nice to see other "teens" who drive a Prius. I myself am a teenage prius driver. Had my license for almost 2 years, permit for a 1 year and all three years I drove the Prius. Love the car. Although, I do notice that several other Prius drivers around here are in their 30's + so it feels kinda nice being possibly the youngest Prius driver in the city. You have a very nice car. I drive a 2007 model so it's not exactly new, but no one touches it without getting hurt. :3 -Yeka
I wonder how my boyfriend would feel about this idea, I like it...unless he wants to drive... That is just mean! My father got a brand new 1991 Corolla back in the day and after my first car (honda civic) died on me and I started driving our 2006 Toyota Matrix that was just sitting in the garage completely unused my parents decided "Well, since Melissa isn't paying for the Matrix, we will take it away and give her the Corolla" I hated that car, it was a manual. Texting while shifting was hard, but I'm so awesome it worked. I was so embarrassed to drive that car that I got to cosmetology school early so people didn't see me in it. I've never drank or partied but at least being in a really ugly car you wouldn't see a materialistic/spoiled/daddys little princess driving around with all her drunk friends. In the end I won, thank goodness my spine and back were so bad that driving that car actually made it worse. It wasn't even that bad of a car... It just lowered my "cute" factor by many many points. HA
Well, I dont know if you have already bought your Prius or are still deciding on it, but here are my two cents. I drive a Prius (obviously), im also 20 yrs old, and goto college and work. Previous to the Prius I owned an 04 Audi, 05 BMW 330ci, and had an old Nissan Pathfinder as my beater. Im very big into cars, and my euros were great cars. The fact of the matter is though, gas isn't getting cheaper, and euros cost a lot in maintenance -- and require lots of it too! I drive on average 100 miles a day, and for that I love my Prius and the MPG that comes with it. First impressions were kinda hard, I always laughed at people who didn't drive a fast V8 sports car, or german sports car. I told myself for many years I would never be caught dead in a Prius, none the less own one. Well, that all changed. I went down to Toyota to check out the New Toyota Landcruiser with my parents (they drive an 05 Lex GX470 and have a 99 Toyo Land Cruiser as their beater). While we were there I decided to separate from them and look at some car myself. Ended up talking to a sales guy who persisted on me driving/trying a new Prius. So I took it out for a test drive and what do you know, I LOVED IT. I ended up walking out with it that very same day. The power isn't fast Mustang or Euro like power, its more subdued and constant. 134hp isn't much, but for Los Angeles roads its good enough. I get 487 miles on average per tank and it only costs me $28 to fill! My BMW & Audi cost me $45-50 and would only go for 300 miles. The Nissan Pathfinder $60 and got 220 miles to a tank! So this is phenomenal! Parts are cheap, modding is something not required on these, and if you do find a mod you must have guess what .... there cheap! ... Not to mention if your single, girls dig these things (dont ask me why I have no idea). I get compliments on a weekly basis! Something my BMW hardly ever got, and that was a clean car! So Enjoy it, and be ready to have a wallet filled with cash, because the pump wont run you dry anymore!
My daughter got a 'free' car, how is that mean? Had she wanted a 'better' car she could pay for it. She drove it for 9 years and never got stuck in the snow. (It snows 10 months of the year in Elko NV) Since 2009 she has a 'free' Subaru Forester. Again, one of the least sexy cars on planet earth and utterly reliable transportation. I am noticing a trend. If she ever texted driving in a car, I would take it back, she can walk and text at the same time.
I would never suggest that anybody buy anything but a Prius II especially a Teen. The Prius will do everything you need to do and you will spend $8,000 less. Do not put yourself in heavy debt at this part of your life. TED
You're 20 years old, in college, have owned multiple $40k+ cars, and walked out with a Prius on a fly. I don't get it. Rich grandparents or something??
He must be quite a guy! I suspect I am closer in age to your grand dad. Is your hair blue? Pics of my daughter with blue hair: http://www.cosplay.com/costumes/m56477/
or possibly used vehicles. He did mention maintenance and repairs. The warranty on those cars are usually 4 years/50,000 miles. They also depreciate a little faster making it easily affordable. $18k for a new Corolla or a used BMW?