What happens after closing time at Robots-R-Us? If there's battery power remaining, would the Rocky's & Roxxy's start rockin & rollin, using WD-40, if you get the gist?
I would order mine that way ... I was thinking more of Jigaloo Jig-A-Loo - an invisible silicone-based lubricant and water-repellent ! but would never try to force my choice of personal lubricant onto another person
If Toyota reworked that robot to make her fix gas pedals and brake software we'd be on the right track.
That book scarred me for life. I read it when I was 13. Not something I would recommend. I still can't ... you know... without a bit of apprehension.
I personally don't allow it. Amazing true story: a guy I knew in the Army, was in the middle of having you-know-what done to him, while his sweetie and him were in the shower She slipped, and chomped - HARD. Apparently, it was horrific Call me a prude, but I Just Say No An Evil Person, that's who! I would prefer meow like a cat, but to each their own
OK, maybe not hammocks, moving cars (and you thought cellphones could be a distraction!), ski lifts, glass elevators.....but never? Prude.
Wow. I'm gone for two days and miss several pages of important posts. I may have the posts somewhat muddled, but it appears that while I was gone Octavia had a Brazilian wax job and injured someone during a moving violation. Does that about sum it up? Rae may have been involved too, but I'm not sure how - something about 2 girls and 1 cup. Tom
Thank goodness for that. Finding new and interesting p0rn is getting tougher all the time but I keep checking.