I think there are far too many robotic humans as it is. Get up, go to work, watch tv, go to bed. Repeat. No thanks. We need more heart in our relationships, not less.
I'd rather spend the $7,000 on my wife. She's got everything I've ever needed or wanted, and I'd spend all of my money on her if she would let me. To recharge her, I go to sleep with her every night. I don't need a mute button for her because everything she says is music to my ears. Just the sound of her voice soothes me. She is warm to the touch and her heart is even warmer.
So if you're going through all this trouble and expense... why not make "her" a bit attractive? Yikes.
My GF is going back east to visit her family later this month. Anybody got $7,000 they can loan me? :madgrin:
Owww, owww that hurt. \enable whining mode Hey I had the j/k (just kidding on the end and everythiiiiinnnnggg) \disable whining mode I know just how taggart feels about his wife. I feel the same way about my gorgeous wife. We make a great team.
Your dreams are answered: TrueCompanion claims that more than 4,000 men have placed pre-orders for Roxxxy robots, and another 20,000 or so have requested information about the product. TrueCompanion also is developing a male sex robot, named Rocky.
The owner's manual states she has all of the appropriate orifices, including a USB port? What's that for??
Men never do really get it. We are simple creatures, often oblivious to the subtleties coloring a woman's world. Tom
Really. What point is a male robot? Power tools are so much handier. They're always there when you need them, don't give you attitude, and are much lower maintenance. Besides, you can find the rest of the prick just about anywhere. Some creatures evolve faster than others.