Talk to a Cop- The good, bad, and ugly!

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Schmika, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005

    Well, when there's crap like kids and school buses involved, then I don't feel sooo bad (FWIW, my 60 in a 25 was in a rural no mans land)...although I really don't think 40+ in a 25 is THAT out of whack out of control recklessness... I still think a big fine, or court appearance, would have been more appropriate... then again, the cell phone would have bothered me even MORE, the idea he was drving like that with his attention being comsumed to some extent by a cell phone in inexcusable.

    Did you run his record? Was he a repeat offender? Was he a prick to you?

    I still think it's over the top.
  2. jpeachman

    jpeachman Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2005
    Pittsburg, CA
    I'm assuming you wouldn't have jailed him just for the initial offense (40+, that you could only cite at 34, in a 25 zone). But taken along with his subsequent actions (left on a red, apparently trying to evade you, doing 50+ in a 35 zone, and on the cell phone when you finally get behind him), cumulatively, certainly DOES add up to reckless disregard, and if you'd normally tow and jail on that, then IMO this situation was as deserving as any. Small disclaimer: my son's a police officer, but I honestly don't think I'd feel any differently about this if he weren't.
  3. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    2 100mph wheelies for going over the top! :lol:
  4. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    You're not an argumentive type are you? :D

    You know, I USED to sort of feel the same way, back when I first got my license... Somewhat hard to believe given my posts within this thread :lol: I hate to say it, but a good way to do it is to get a ticket, fight it in court, and hopefully win, or get pulled over enough times such that you simply "get used to it" :lol: I suppose it really depends on you and your personality, if you're always going to pretty much drive around the speed limit, not really drive any performance cars or motorcycles, then it probably won't happen enough to be worth it...

    IMO, people should fight more tickets, get a first hand taste, participate, in how our judicial system works. Going to court isn't as bad as THE MAN would have you believe, and cops, as humans, WILL make mistakes.

    Or, find someone like me who doesn't give a damn about getting pulled over, sit in the passenger seat, and go out and get pulled over a few times. :lol: Pull out your tail light bulb, or don't turn your headlights on for a bit at night... You must confront your fear!

    This gives me an idea, I should video tape getting pulled over for a variety of offenses, and sell them online under the banner of, "How to effectively counter simple cop mind tricks"... What a great way to make a million that would be! Now that's MY idea, and I'm copywriting it here and now!
  5. bgdrewsif

    bgdrewsif New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
    Phoenix, Arizona (formerly Bowling Green, Ohio)
    2006 Prius
    when I got my first (and second) speeding tickets in high school, my parents went to the trouble of hiring me an attorney... Although I was able to keep my driving privlidges to school and work as a result so perhaps it was worthwhile, i dont know... I just do the best I can to avoid contact with law officers... (sometimes including family :p )
  6. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005

  7. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Good point. Here in Canada, the RCMP are Federal so in theory their jurisdiction is nation-wide with the exception of the OPP in Ontario and the QPP in Quebec.

    Actually, there is a move to integrate access to driver data. One of the complaints about 9/11 was missed opportunities due to lack of data sharing.

    We have been doing some projects at work involving Canadian data sharing with different jurisdictions. So that trend is apparent
  8. CinciPrius

    CinciPrius Member

    Mar 25, 2005
    2012 Prius
    You go Karl! That kind of driving in a residential neighborhood deserves exactly what he got, especially with kids present. If he'd behaved after the initial observation, then a warning might have been in order but not after the red light violation and 2nd speeding observation - go get 'im.

    Now - what would have happened if he hadn't pulled over? What is your dept's policy on pursuits for something like this? How do you balance the need to stop him with the risks to others inherent in a pursuit?
  9. pjm877

    pjm877 Member

    Dec 2, 2003
    austin, tx
    2021 Prius Prime
    Knock on wood.. I have only been pulled over three times... and yep every time I got a ticket...

    One maybe, one my fault, . truly.. in a 50... reaching for chip in the bag.. big eng... reached 60 in a heart beat... Co sheriff pulled me over... in the end they wrote 55 in a 50 because I was so nice and polite to them... I took my lumps and paid my fine..

    BUT one:
    The last one bit the big one... on cruse, new car, coming down a very small hill.. at the bottom I gave the DPS officer a friendly Texan wave at the bottom (looked and yep still set at 60.. digital dash like the Prius) as I pass him (he was going west.. I east)... on come the lights... I find a very nice place to pull off and wait for him to show up... it did not take long 20 to 30 sec to understand I was going to get something other than a warning... I ask what is the problem.. he: said I was doing 72 (was 55 back then).. I ask are you sure? Yep, got you on the radar... I said how could that be? I had the car on cruse control set to 60 (willing to eat 60 not 72)... He now goes through the list.. the Speedometer was off... ME: but this is a new car.. under 10k miles.. He: can be off from the factory.. Me: OK, how do you check this out.. He: get a set speed on the interstate and time how long it takes to get from one Mile marker to the next... ME: did that last weekend on I-20.. with this cruse control set to 60 it took me 65 sec to go one mile... I did this for Three miles.. (this caught him off guard)... He: well you changed the tires... Me: new car, GM OEM... He: the tire pressure is off.. Me: to cause a 12 mph diff. (summer time and I check them that day)

    I see I am going no where fast (I am 20'ish, he looked 50+).. I had a logical come back to each of his reasons (I am a computer programmer).. Not sure what.. why.. I got pulled over (I have passed DPS on the road before doing 60 in this car with no problems) .. Talked it over with the Judge and Def Driving being only $25, beats a day off to attended court in small county.. even the judge said I had a good case... not worth the time off... I took the course.. sent in the paper work.. and got 10% off the ins...

    there off my chest.. I feel better.. the people in blue, grey.. name your color.. . have a ruff job.. I don't think get paid enough for what they have to endure.. So from me it is always a Yes (sir/mam) and a smile...

    Now today I might get a ticket for doing 63 in a 70 on a two lane ;) (my Prius sweet spot)... but it will get 44'ish at 75 (some two lanes out in West Texas are 75.. 176 between Big Springs and Andrews is one.. the longest 52 miles I have ever driven that seems to take three days to drive)

    One Texan with a Prius (because of the geeky toyes, and the MPG)
  10. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Ha!..Boy did you ask for it!......That will teach you not to get bored! :D
  11. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    Whoo hoo, something I really know. I wrote our depts pursuit policy. We can BEGIN a pursuit for anything. After that, it is a risk/benefit analysis. Had he run, it was about 4pm in a very busy area of our city. I would have got the plate, tried to eyeball the driver, and quit the pursuit. Just too dangerous.
  12. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    I believe you. There are many ways a radar can be "wrong". The officer may have seen the reading but didn't check to make sure it was "you". If you ever suspect that, and go to court, don't attack the officer in regards to "are you sure???" but rather ask them all the different ways a radar can get a "false" reading. Of course, first learn yourself what they are. If s/he cannot name them...s/he DESERVES to lose and should not be running radar in the first place.
  13. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Yeah, and don't forget, a lot of departments require up to date calibration certificates for radar/lidar devices, another tactic you can use (some places even require various levels of "continuing education" for officers on how to properly use the equipment). Just be sure to make the request as close to the trial date as possible... :D
  14. airportkid

    airportkid Will Fly For Food

    Sep 2, 2005
    San Francisco Bay Area CA
    2005 Prius
    Schmika, your excellent thread here is the sort of back and forth that should be compulsory between "adversaries" in all quarters of life! Best antidote to the venom we would otherwise be spitting at each other. Bravo!!

    Should you see my post midst the landslide you loosed, I do have a question:

    Are the day's citations reviewed by a superior and some discarded?

    In November I got cited for not having my HOV access decals in the right locations. I had them visible in the windows, but not stuck to the quarter panels as the vehicle code stipulated. I've visited the courthouse twice already to set a court date for trial, but no can do - my citation isn't in their system. Now it's 4 months later and the only evidence I've been cited is the yellowing with age yellow slip in the "Car" folder in my office filing cabinet.

    Did that officer's supervisor review that day's citations and discard that one as (A) sure to be brought to trial and (B) sure to lose and waste the department's time?

    Or did it just get lost - citations aren't reviewed?

    The fine is a staggering $420 if it ever surfaces.

    Thanks very much -

    Mark Baird
    Alameda CA

    Thanks very much -

    Mark Baird
    Alameda CA
  15. hyo silver

    hyo silver Awaaaaay

    Mar 2, 2005
    off into the sunset
    2004 Prius
    I have a question about radar effectiveness. I assume the smaller the vehicle, the closer it has to be to get a good reading. Is this a valid assumption? Do bicycles show up at all?
  16. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    I don't know. In our dept, citations cannot be cancelled or 'thrown out". Only a Judge can cancel a ticket once issued (Well, we can Recommend they be cancelled and we are rarely turned down if we have a legitimate reason)

    I would worry about a dept. where one person can unilaterally get rid of a ticket. Think of the potential for abuse (hey baby...wanna "lose" that ticket???)

    On rare occasions, tickets do get "lost" here. Lots of paper, human handling...could have been that.
  17. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH

    It is more related to the "ambient" radar noise. If nothing else is out there, my radar can pick up a jogger. The radar picks up the strongest signal. Though ours are very sophisticated and can pick out the fastest signal even if not the strongest.

    What makes a signal stronger? Size and speed. If you are in a 90mph motorcycle passing a 55 mph semi, I doubt I would pick up the MC. If I am clocking a pickup at 50 and you are coming up behind at 75, I'll probably get you.

    Closer makes stronger as well.
  18. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    HA! I knew it!

    That's why one of my tactics is to NEVER send in the original signed ticket, but rather a yellow sticky with the following words:

    "I would like to request a hearing."

    Mr. E. Squid
    123 Upyouarse Blvd.
    Aurora, IL 66666

    First off, it seems to cause a delay in getting a hearing, it's one less piece of "evidence" in their hands, and if THEY happen to lose their crappy copy, WHAM-O... :D
  19. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Yup, I can vouch for that one... While on my bike, I frequently use bigger vehicles as "buffers" in suspicious circumstances...

  20. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    Man ...I would LOVE to take you on...I'm chomping at the bit....