For the juvenile miscreants, don't get a new stainless steel model. Save a quite a few bucks by getting a used chrome plated model, with the chrome flaking off and rust showing beneath. Ought to be cheap at farm estate or used implement sales. Dad regrets saving $5 by not getting the better stainless steel version forty years ago, when the price difference was very small. But for juvenile thug humans, cheap & rusty should be just fine.
If the bunny population is that far out of control that enough are killed to be a heating fuel, then something is seriously out of balance with the natural predator-prey system. One would think that Sweden could come up with a more natural solution for population control. I also agree that it makes sense to use the meat (and fur) for something, other than just burning...
Which is why I advocate the use of the sheep castration tool, to make sure they don't pass along their defective genes Of course, we could always take the kids who torture animals and use THEM for fuel. Now that I think about it, my sinister plan to produce Soylent Green is looking better and better
I was just trying to picture the animal rights people out trying to neuter wild rabbits. Considering how fast they reproduce and how hard they are to capture, it does not seem to be a cost effective method of controlling the population of these 'vermin'. (Imagine trying to do something similar to rats in a city....)