I see that the network is expanding . On the reference route I'm watching, WA-20 across Washington State (from Burlington), then US-2 the rest of the way to Lake Superior (Duluth), there are now three! Superchargers -- all in the permitting phase . Kalispell and Shelby MT, and Grand Forks ND. A very scenic 1700 mile route with -- still no working Superchargers. Our intended cross-country trip this fall was quashed by Covid restrictions, pushing the intended social gathering off until next October. Tentatively. Service along the parallel TransCanada Highway is greatly improved now, with very many stations opened last December. But then they walled us off from crossing the border to use that route.
Using Plugshare and my nominal 220 mile range Std Rng Plus Model 3, I see an existing 1,751 mile, drive straight through, SuperCharger route. In practice, I would break it up into three days, aiming at 750 mile segments with two overnight stays at motels with free L2 charging and breakfast. Still with two butt-buster drivers, it could be driven straight through via Superchargers. Bob Wilson
Because there are not hundreds of thousands of Hydrogen cars on the road - it will take time. I see that BMW is releasing a Hydrogen SUV soon.
Do you have to stay at a more expensive motel to find one with overnight charging? How many chargers are you finding at each of the motels? My longest solo drive was 1100 miles with nothing but fuel and pee stops. I wanted to do the entire DC to Houston but my son was doing overnight exams and there was no point picking him up before 10AM so I stopped at 4AM at a cheap motel. And of course guess who drove back. Dodge mini-van. Put 110,000 miles on it just going to and from schools.
Motel expense varies but there are affordable ones. I typically get the route mapped out and then look for destination chargers and then J1772 chargers. Usually I find two, a J1772 and destination charger. Bob Wilson
BMW gave Toyota carbon fiber tech years ago. About time Toyota held up their part of the bargain. Soon is 2022 for a limited production run that might pick up in the last half of the decade. It also isn't confirmed for the US. My guess is that the 170hp fuel cell is the same one going into the the new Mirai, in order to keep manufacturing costs down. BMW i Hydrogen Next fuel-cell SUV: With battery boost, more power than Mirai Oh, and fuel cells are still really expensive, "The company is using the time until the infrastructure and sustainably produced hydrogen supply are in place to substantially reduce the cost of manufacturing the powertrain system." BMW Will Offer Hydrogen Fuel-Cell X5 SUV in 2022
Don't forget Electrify America - other players are catching up Is Tesla Losing Its Supercharger Advantage? Electrify America to Open 400th Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station - Electrify America NEWSROOM Electrify America Announces Ultra-Fast EV Charging Station Installations at Meijer Locations - Electrify America NEWSROOM Electrify America's electric car fast-charging reaches milestone of 500 stations - Electrek
Plugshare isn't showing me any SuperChargers on this route, and hardly anything between I-90/94 and TC1. Am I displaying it wrong? Here is the route in question, note that is doesn't come near any Interstate Highway (except right-angle crossings): Blasphemy! That defeats the entire purpose of taking this scenic route. If you're just going straight through, may as well just take I-90/94 instead, which is faster, on better roads. And well served by SuperChargers. Can you even go 750 miles per day on just L2 chargers, while still having a reasonable sleep period? When we drove a generally similar route a few years back, we took more than ten days for this portion, and rolled up a few hundred extra miles on side trips to the very many sights and parks and attractions and trails of interest. That does allow more overnight L2 charging, if overnight venues are carefully selected, but still puts a substantial crimp on allowed daytime distance.
Two steps out and 3 steps back.....so others will rethink Hydrogen and see the intelligent possibilities of having a planet that runs on Hydrogen. BEV is not really that clean.
In energy there is always a trade off. Hydrogen has a dirty secret – let's not think it's always a green fuel | New Scientist How clean is hydrogen really? Bev -Hydrogen they are both promising and each has its pros and cons What are the pros and cons of hydrogen energy? | HowStuffWorks
Irrelevant. Your H2 has a significantly larger carbon footprint than an electric vehicle. But you were already shown that, but continue to repeat the lies.
According to your logic hybrids and even standard internal combustion engines are electric vehicles because the have some small batteries and some electric components. But your information is still purposefully wrong. What target audience are you trying to deceive here? Make an argument if you like, but please stop reporting false information.
This is the route I mapped out: A butt-buster, straight through route. You can add the Tesla distribution and J1772 chargers to find the potential 'over night' motels or casinos. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson