Sun damage?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by jaw444, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. EZW1

    EZW1 Active Member

    Aug 20, 2008
    Phoenix, AZ
    2016 Prius v wagon
    Four Touring
    Out here in AZ the sun is icredibly damaging. Not only does the heat and low humidity play a role, but the ultraviolet radiation ages everything quite quickly. I used to drive a 280Z. Over the course of 10 years the sun dried out the carpet so much it just crumbled. Incredible!

    My suggestions are:
    1. Install tinted glass or have your glass tinted. This will reduce the heating effect of the sun
    2. Use a sunshade to block the sun as much as possible from surfaces that will not bode well such as your dash and plastic trim.
    3. Use good wax on your paint. It is not the sun that wrecks havoc on your paint but the oxidation effect. If you use a good wax you'll essentially shield your paint from the oxygen in the atmosphere and preserve it.
    4. Be very careful of aftermarket products that claim to preserve and protect your interior apohlstery and carpets. Many of these are petroleum based products and they will eventually destroy the materials they are used on. Years ago, ArmorAll was so awful, it would surely crack your dash within a couple years of using it. And once you've used it, you're a prisoner to it because you can never stop using it else damage will set in.
    5. Many people here in AZ will clean their apohlstery and trim with good ol' mild soap and water. Then rinse to remove the traces of soap and towel dry. It only takes a few drops of soap in a bucket of water... that's all.

    1 person likes this.
  2. Frayadjacent

    Frayadjacent Resident Conservative

    Mar 22, 2009
    Austin, TX
    2009 Prius
    That's good advice EZW1. I have a ton of family in Phoenix and visit every couple years. I've seen some cars out there that should not look as old as they do.

    I've heard ArmorAll is bad stuff and stay away from it. I had read about other products that don't leech moisture out of plastic or vinyl interior coverings, but can't remember any. I'm sure there are some great products that will work well.

    You're spot on about the paint, too. Oxidization is what makes it dull and opens the process of destroying it.
  3. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    Modern Armor All is water based and fine. I use it on tires but I think its too greasy for exterior trim.
  4. jaw444

    jaw444 Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    San Fernando Valley CA Sherman Oaks area
    2007 Prius

    Thanks, thanks to everyone for all these suggestions, there's a lot of consensus about these measures.

    I've been using a sunshade on the front window, one i got from the Toyota dealer that is designed for the Prius, it takes up virtually the whole window area. I think i saw a rear window sunshade in the PriusChat store, guess i'll get one of those. I've been keeping the toneau cover closed, but i'm sure it will get aged if i use it as a sun shield.

    Mostly I've been trying to protect my car by going to the office as late in the day as possible.

    Good news, my administrator who was part of the way the parking spaces were given out asked me how i was yesterday, and i said was fine, she knows how i feel about the situation, and my supervisor has talked to the assistant administrator about it, and was given this same reassurance, that basically, the first person who leaves the office and gives up their parking card that's programmed for inside the structure, their card will be given to me. The assistant administrator told my supervisor they would give the first available card out based on seniority, and i'm clearly the most senior employee that's on the roof; the administrator told me yesterday that they would be assigning the first available card alphabetically. I said 'oh no! My name is at the end of the alphabet,' but she said the W's would come first because that's where they left off when they ran out of spaces. She then pointed out that my name was the first of the W's alphabetically--it was clear that she had attended to my issue, she told me not to worry. My supervisor has already told me of two people who are leaving. I don't have any kind of time frame for that, i work for a really large employer and sometimes things go bureaucratically slow, but those two people are transferring and their new positions have been promised to them--i'm hopeful that I will be off the roof before the summer heat hits in July through September. Fingers crossed. But it's still a good idea to get a rear window shade and to have the windows tinted, to give leather as long of life as possible.

    About wax--my understanding from comments here is that waxing is not something you do really often, like once a year? So, is there any way i can tell if my car was waxed in the past year or so? I bought it on January 2, when it was 2 years old, i 've had it about 3 months. It looks really great, shiny and new, i mean, the paint.
  5. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    In your location you should probably wax the paint quarterly, so 4 times a year.

    Honestly, your leather etc will be fine whether you buy the sunshade or not...
  6. jyl

    jyl New Member

    Nov 17, 2006
    2007 Prius
    Are you serious?

    Okay, if you are that worried about this, use a good car cover. Your car will be protected from sun and will also stay cleaner. Won't cost any more than all the tinting, sun shading, 303'ing, etc which will then be unnecessary. It will take an extra 1 minute in the morning and 1 minute in the afternoon. Which is less time than all the washing, waxing, treating. etc that you will then be able to do only 1x year.
  7. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    I gotta agree. This is coming to a point where I think you are unnaturally obsessed with not wanting your vehicle to be exposed to the sun.

    Your vehicle is designed to be exposed to the sun, cars by their very nature have to be operated in an outdoor environment. Having your car sit outside on a parking structure for 8 hours per day WILL NOT harm it in any way...even if you do nothing.

    I can understand you wanting to be able to sit in it to eat your lunch if thats what you want to do and that being impossible if its hot inside. But, IMHO if you're delaying going into the office and spending all your time trying to negotiate some way to get into the structure its gone too far...
  8. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    It is an inanimate object. It isn't nearly as important as the stress you're feeling warrants. Try to put this in perspective to other things on this planet that are of far far greater import. Take the advice given and if you never get an inside parking place you'll still be fine. If you do, then goody for ya, but this is clearly occupying an unhealthy amount of your energy.
  9. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    Think about it this way, you said you spend a lot of time out in the field right? Where does your car sit when you're out in the field? Outside.
  10. KTPhil

    KTPhil Active Member

    Jan 14, 2005
    Wax it every three months. Put 303 on all exterior rubber and plastic at that time. Use sun covers for the windshield. Get a dash pad.

    And be thankful you have a job with a parking space, even if you "suffer" from it being in the sun. 10% of Americans are not as lucky as you today.

    I used to complain about my hourlong commute. No more. I am the lucky one, with a job to drive to.
    Valiant V likes this.
  11. kettledrum

    kettledrum Member

    Aug 23, 2004
    Indianapolis, IN
    2006 Prius
    With the way the economy has been going, I'm surprised there haven't been spaces made available because of layoffs.

    I'm not going to knock you for your desires to have your car inside. Everyone has their hot buttons that they don't want pushed and this is one of yours. It sounds like it will resolve itself naturally when someone leaves. Just bide your time until then. :)
    1 person likes this.
  12. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    I mean, I park my car in a nasty old garage with dripping water where they're doing so much construction I have to wash the car 2-3 times a week to keep it clean... I park on the roof on purpose...plenty of people in my company don't have garage parking and they park on the street, be glad you're not on the street at least.

    I just think at some point for your own sanity you need to back up from this and say "what I do for a living is stressful enough, I don't need to be producing more stress for myself over things that just aren't really issues...and this really isn't an issue.
    Valiant V likes this.
  13. jaw444

    jaw444 Member

    Dec 20, 2008
    San Fernando Valley CA Sherman Oaks area
    2007 Prius
    Thanks. That's a very wise perspective.

    Actually, my reaction to being on the roof was energized by a lot of issues it brought up and yes, i was very emotional about it, and i don't think i went into all of the issues here, it's way off topic, but it has to do with losing my much loved home in late 2007 to pesticides, having to move much farther from my job, adding a horrible long gridlock commute to my day, and then, this year, my office moved even farther, adding a new freeway segment, which felt so harsh, but then, the new office is really nice and i was happy they had a parking structure i could park in since i eat lunch in the car, only to find i was one of only a few people consigned to the roof for a bizarre reason, i also encountered chemical fumes from the tarpits next door, with a sign on the elevator in the structure that says 'Warning this area is known to have chemicals that cause cancer,' with very strong fumes inside the elevator, which goes up to the 6th floor but the roof is one more flight of stairs up, 7th floor, i had lung damage due to the pesticides sprayed inside my home in 07 which seemed to have improved after i moved out, but the fumes in the elevator caused irritation, so i was walking up all the flights of stairs to the 7th floor and by the time i got up there, i was breathing really hard, apparently i've lost some capacity after the pesticide thing, i did that twice a day for a couple of weeks on the days i was at the office and by the end of that time, my lungs were burning and it lasted over the weekend so i was worried, it was inflammation, how can i even keep working here? but i can't lose my job?

    Then i realized i could park on the street. I had to move my car every two hours on the street but at least i didn't have to hurt my lungs, and there was shade on the street. Then i found out about a farther away street where i could park all day, so i've been doing that, walking quite a distance and parking on the street, pretty much in the shade, depending on the space i got, and i got the HeatShield sun shades for the side and back windows which kept my car cooler and protected, i only needed to put them on one side and the front. So that was my solution. My lungs are only now just starting to improve some after the trauma of climbing the stairs for a couple of weeks. It's weeks since i stopped doing that.

    Finally, an employee left the office and i was getting their card key for inside the structure, but it still took them a couple of weeks after that to 'do the paperwork' ?, anyway, finally for the past week i've been able to park in the structure on the 2nd or 3rd floor, it's awesome, i'm so happy. My inanimate car is happy too. :)

    I greatly appreciate all the feedback and info, i appreciate the sympathetic posts very much, i was in need of that, it was a hard thing to deal with and it wasn't just about the car's paint job, although until i got reassurance here, that was another upsetting piece of it, the car means so much to me, might be the last car i ever have and i want to keep it in good condition which really makes me feel happy, the way it looks.

    i appreciate all the posts and info and appreciate people taking the time to give their opinions and experience and knowledge, i never felt a need to do anything special for upkeep on the paint and interior of previous cars and didn't worry about the Prius until the roof thing happened, so from this thread i learned a lot of things i am happy to know about taking care of the car, i got it waxed. I like the sunshades i got, just for keeping the car cooler alone.

    thanks to everybody.