Not sure what your saying here. Don't complain about being treated like that? That a clear prejudice against W's!! (My last name starts with V) I think I would counter suggesting an alternating system would be much fairer, say month to month to share the burden. parking inside the structure has been granted to people who don't even drive to work, they take the bus, but because of their last name, they are in the structure, if they should bring their car. So, you couldn't just park your vehicle in their place, like a sublet system. If you had the name of the person you doing this with, would that solve the problem? Seems a shame to leave empty spots in a cooler building. You've convinced me on the value the spot has to you, now try do it for whomever has 'say' in the matter. Good luck. Edit; I believe that job seniority/rank should be the deciding issue here, that's how most job perks are doled out, not by the first letter of your name. Also, regarding car colors; blues, and reds are fairly photoreactive and so will fade faster, your car color looks fairly safe in that regard.
Find the person who makes the lowest salary at your company that has an inside spot. Offer him $20 a month to swap parking spots. It's worth it just for your peace of mind.
An outstanding idea! I did something similar when I was much younger, lived in an apartment, owned two cars and only had one assigned covered parking space.
I am extremely particular about the condition of my cars. I used to detail cars for a living and know a lot about how to care for and restore paint finishes. For instance I worked from home today primarily because it was raining and my car is freshly washed and I didn't need anything from the office I didn't have here. With that said, I would not be concerned if I were in your situation. Modern paints are very UV resistant as are modern interior materials, even without any kind of dressing or protectant. Your car truly will be just fine, just keep it clean, wax it quarterly, and clean and condition the interior and leather twice a year as you should be doing anyways and it will be just fine. If you are really concerned have the windows tinted and use a sunshade. With 30% tint and a sunshade it will stay pretty cool in there actually. Garages have their own negatives, they drip rusty water, etc. The Lexus gets the garage in our house and its garaged at work too when I'm not out in the field. The Prius however sits out 24 hours a day, every day and has for 5 years. Its still in like-new condition with no tint or sunshade. Don't sweat it, really it will be fine.
It doesn't sound like a car cover is a good idea. I saw one advertised as lined with flannel, it was said to not cause scratching. I've seen some that have locks on them. I think i saw one that has some kind of allowance for the antenna--i'm not sure. I don't want to get into removing the antenna. I hadn't thought about wind. It's very breezy up there, on a normal nonwindy day. Haven't had a windy day yet. Thanks for the perspective. That helps. I'm not going to get one.
Are professional carwashes competent to do these things? i've never waxed a car before. I always got my other car washed at a car wash. Since i got the Prius, i bought a bunch of carwash supplies, including an extended wand squirting thing and some of that Auto-dry stuff, and microfiber towels, but i haven't tried it out yet. But i'd rather have it waxed by people more experienced than I. Thanks
My windows seem to have some tint on them already, i mean, they aren't regular clear, they're kind of dark. But you can see in. Others have mentioned something about legal limits on tinting. Why? Does it interfere with visibility? Does it protect the seat leather?
yes, i am prepared to do that. I called the Union rep, but then a steward in my office said first i should wait until my supervisor talks to our administrator about it. My supervisor sympathizes with me very much, he also eats lunch in his car and takes a break there and he understands the problem. Incidentally, a week ago, he got a brand new driftwood pearl Prius. He's always been very interested in mine. Anyway, he talked to our administrator and she said that the next person who leaves the office (transfer, promote, retire, etc), if their parking card is for inside the structure, it will be assigned to one of the roof people, based on seniority. And of the roof people, i probably have the most seniority, almost 22 years. There is a supervisor who is transferring, but no way of knowing exactly when, maybe as soon as May or June, but maybe not that soon, don't know. Apparently she has to wait until May to apply for a transfer, and then it's a matter of time depending on when there's an opening in the other office, i guess. She's a supervisor so for sure she has an inside parking card. So that's somewhat reassuring. Thanks, i appreciate that. I thought about using someone else's space right from the beginning, and it would be worth it to pay whatever. I asked the Parking Office how i could get monthly parking, at my own expense, but they said that can only be arranged through my company. I was willing to pay some parking citations. But when i was told they will tow your car after you get 3 citations, i had to give that up. But it's not that easy to find out who has a card but is not bringing their card. There are a lot of employees there, not everybody knows everybody. A friend of mine doesn't bring her car, she takes the bus, and she has a card. She knows how upset i am. She offered to let me eat in her car on the days that she brings it, but that doesn't really solve all my problems. I just want to sit in my own car and i don't want my car subjected to that much heat and sun, if i can help it. I'll ask her if i can borrow her car. Once at our old building i lost my card and she let me use hers for a long time. She never brought her car. But since she didn't offer, i wasn't sure if should ask. But i will. thanks for the suggestions and encouragement.
I thought of this from the beginning. I'm not sure how to do this, put up a sign? Not sure if i'd be allowed to do it in the open like that. There are definitely people working there who can use extra money, and it's definitely worth it to me to pay. But it's not so easy to find out who doesn't need to bring their car to work. I have to ask around. I'm sure there is some kind of issue with paying for the space, i mean, i'm sure i wouldn't be allowed to do that if administration knew about it--it would be like some kind of discrmination if i had to pay for a space . But i'm working on that angle.
where i work, there are incentive parking spaces offered for like 10 people and it rotates on a monthly basis. we have around 80 spaces next to the building with overflow parking a good 200 yards (across the street on the opposite side of the parking lot we have 150 extra assigned spaces.... assigned to company, no particular person) away. in Western, rainy WA.... its not convenient to say the least. but parking is first come first serve. i come early. i also have an EV and 2 plug in spots. now neither is near the entrance as i would like them to be... but its better than having to park next door and none of our spaces are covered unless you count the parking spaces that are tree-shaded and trust me, you dont want to park there either except for about 4 months of the year (too much fallout from pollen, sap, tree branches, etc...)
Best way to handle limited spaces it on a first in best dressed basis. If spaces aren't reserved then park in an unreserved space. Roof parks cost the same as under cover spaces. It is good management to park on a first in best dressed basis, the bosses should always get the best spots because they should be the first ones to work each day.
If you want to learn more about properly caring for your car go here: If you want a professional to care for it then by all means, there will be many good detailers in your area, look around the professional section on Autopia.
I would want to observe how the 'pros' operate. Those large production line car washes could be questionable. See what they guys at the end of the line (waxing) do with the rags. If they toss any of them on the ground, run away. Waxing is VERY easy. I often use Meguire's spray on TechWax. With one of the cotton circular pads, spray it on the paint and gently rub it around with the circular pad. In a few moments it will dry to a haze. Use a clean microfiber towel to gently rub it off until it shines. I usually do one panel at a time. It can be time consuming and a little tiring, but you'll be happy with how good the car looks! It does seem that some of the Prius on the lot when I bought mine did have some manner of tint, although very light. I would take it to a professional tinter and ask them about it. I'm not sure if they could tint over it or if they'd have to remove it. The former would not be very desireable and the latter could be more costly. The darkness of the tint isn't too important. I like dark tint for the privacy. Most good quality tints will block a great portion of UV light, which is what will damage interior surfaces.
The windows are tinted from the factory, the glass itself is tinted it isn't a film, but the tint is very light.
If that is in fact the case, then a film tint should be able to work fine with it. I know my windows are not tinted at all... except the small rear glass on the hatch.
Your windows are tinted, all the windows are tinted from the factory pretty much on all modern cars, the tint is just very light. Tint film will work fine.
tinting laws in our state are based on still being able to make out the driver. in many cases seeing the driver of another vehicle (eye line, gestures, etc) greatly increases the level of safety for all involved. so its generally no level of darkness on the windshield, lower levels of darkness for front windows as opposed to much darker on rear windows.