Hi everyone, i just joined this forum and saw this post. I am the person who posted the video about the trunk space. I own the Cloud9Life Youtube channel btw. Just bought the Prius Prime Advance in Red on 11/11/16. I never thought about putting the cable into the trunk space, but I don't see why it would not fit. Thanks
I have watched several of your videos and have found them informative. The ones showing the headlights, cruise control and lane keeping assist were especially interesting. Thanks for going to the trouble of making them.
That's awesome. I am glad that other Prime owners and potential owners are benefiting from my videos. Prius Prime is awesome but full of features that take a while to get used to and so many settings to look at. I am always looking at my screens while enjoying my ride in it. Thanks
In one of your Videos you were wondering why radar cruise control sometimes just shuts off . The reason for that is that the used camera tends to fog up in cold and moist weather conditions . Toyota told german customers that they will add a small heater to the camera to fix the problem .
Hopefully, Toyota realizes it’s huge mistakes it’s made on the whole trunk storage area. What’s the point of having a car that has NO real hidden storage space? As far as spare tire solutions, with a flat tire, Toyota’s solutions became a joke, if this is the answer, Industry wide, maybe all the car makers should get into something more esoteric like hair design or finger painting. The practical and long term solution for a flat tire has always been “ A SPARE TIRE” The doughnut was ingenious and practical. A can of goo, a now ruined tire, cost of a new tire, all negates that so called solution! As for the double glove compartments on my 2005, That was enough to turn me into a Toyota Fan, that alone was ingenious! Why does Toyota Prius insist on going backwards. ??????
2016 through now. They aren't that big. My wife's Mazda key fob is worse since it's one of those switch-blade types that opens in my pocket all the time.
Nissan version of a smart key for Pathfinder, PRIME, and a physical key for Honda. Nissan fob is smaller and slender, but it is harder to push a button.
I don't coil mine up in a circle. I put the J1772 connector in first, upside down, just to the right of center. Then I lay in the cable going back and forth serpentine style. Then I finish up with the "brick" about in the center. So when I'm ready to charge I can just grab the brick and pull the cable across my lawn to plug it in. I then go back and remove the J1772 and plug it in to the car. This way I don't get any twists in the cable from coiling it up. I find it much easier to stow and retrieve it this way.