Problem not resolved - I just checked online at the website for the front Prius emblem used on the 2010 Package five with the AT package. Using the Vin# for my car, the website says that the emblem (part# 75310-47010 for $35.27) is the correct front emblem for my AT equiped Prius, although a call to customer service at (877-798-7428) and to my local Toyota dealer with my Vin# presents a different answer. The customer service folks told me that part# 75310-47010 is the standard front emblem for the Gen III Prius and that the radar-transparent front emblem is only available as part of part#53141-47012, that replaces part#53141-47011. Part#53141-47012 includes the radar unit, under dash switch to enable/disable auto-braking, and the non-metallic emblem and sells for $663.35 ($900 from the dealer). Has anyone found a verified source for a reasonably priced non-metallic emblem for the 2010/2011 Prius with AT package? Thank you
Ok, the item has ended now but I saw this one on Ebay UK £7.99 ($12 USD ?) eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace
Kithmo: Thank you for looking for a solution. Unfortunately, that badge looks like the standard Gen 3 blue emblem. It contains enough metal that it blocks the radar signal from the radar cruise control unit that is directly behind the front emblem on the package five with the AT package. The front emblem for the package five with AT package is flatter (the chrome color is not raised) and it does not contain any metal or foil, so it is radar transparent. Thanks again for looking.
Hi I dont know where other than the dealer to get a replacement, but I just removed my Prius Medallion to see if I could reattach it over the Le Bra that I have. It was a real dog to remove it. So I just put it back for now. You must have a different type of Prius from me.. I have a 2011 Gen III Version 2. No bells and whistles. Good luck EdIris