I'd like to think the Aptera will do rather well, once released. It looks cool, anyway. I've helped several people move and they're amazed at what fits inside. Four of us go camping regularly, and we take lotsa stuff. Smart idea. By those metrics, it's a successful design. It's no Ferrari, but at some point in our maturing process, 'built for comfort' eventually wins out over 'built for speed'. As long as we can still admire the fast ones... Smokes is right. And not just the tuner, but everything else in the general vicinity. Oops, I almost forgot. Welcome, roflmao. No doubt what your plate means.
Tell us more! I used to race indoor karts a couple of years ago...they were all electric. They had one that they called the "super kart" that you could drive once you put in enough hours on the regular karts and met pre-set track times. It would hit 100+ (rather quickly) if you took it outside and went in a straight line. Fortunately, they kept the kart indoors and on the track. It was almost undriveable on the tight course...lots of tire spin...but also lots of fun!
Well, the very nice Tesla owner said that he'd let me have a ride in his very red sportscar. The top was on it, and I'm a rather cuddly girl, so it nearly took a shoehorn and lube to get me in the car! Once there, however, I felt like I was sitting on the ground! Seat was very narrow - much like Delta's plane seats are. We had a long, empty parking lot in front of us, so he slammed his foot down on the accelerator. WOW! Everything sort of blurred as I was mashed back in the seat. We didn't get up to 60, since the parking lot wasn't big enough - probably just under it, though, as the acceleration lasted about 2 seconds. Real smooth, though. He spun it around, and drove at a "normal" speed back to the parking spot. He removed the roof so I could climb out. Should have had a crane there for assistance. Here are a couple of photos I took - me in the car, and from out the windshield.
This comment made my day I'm laughing the whole morning ! ! ! THANKS for that!! MAN!! and good luck with you new Prius, I felt the same way when I traded in a special edition Honda Accord V6 6 speed manual with sport package! but the prius fits easy in parking the gas mileage is super good!! I'm glad I bought a Prius after the gas went over 3 bucks!!