Yes. Go into options on your CP and you should see a setting for number of posts to display. I think you can go up to 100 per page if I remember correctly. I'm not at my computer right now so my apologies for not providing more definitive instructions. iPad ?
I don't know if Wal-Mart has any and I don't know if Meijer is in your area, but they are available in Meijer stores. My wife bought some on line from the NFL for the Colts...before they crapped out. I even put one up for our deceased dog, floating over the family with a halo but in place over his head.
Whatever happened to the "BABY ON BOARD" craze? Ahhh, we covet what we see each and every day . . . . .
Neato. It is puzzling that ThinkGeek doesn't stock those. 'DOH! (that link above IS ThinkGeek) my bad.
i thought about getting a person then like 9 cats, but then saw a car at a diner one day had already went with the crazy catperson idea, so gave that up.
No doubt he's a nice guy,just tryin to help a fellow Prius owner out..install stickers at own risk....thats all...sheesh
Our bumper stickers should read: My Prius is smarter than your Honor Student I like the idea of kill flags on the driver's door. Maybe replace a nation's flag (or symbol-Russians used a yellow star because they didn't want Nazi symbols on their aircraft) with a manufacturer's logo for every car that got totalled. Was that a generic Wildcat pilot or a portrait of someone at a milestone?