If this is like Star Trek Discovery, it'll be on CBS All Access in America, and on Netflix in most of the rest of the world. And in China it'll be coming to a torrent site near you. Outside of the US, Netflix has all the Star Trek series. Which is great for me.
Deleted. Hello Kitty has already paid. Maybe. Torrents? I'll tattle to Patrick Stewart if you do. Then it's photon torpedo 4 U.
Odd though, that an opponent of emojis is so drawn to character who voiced Poop in The Emoji Movie. Actually, voicing poop is odd in itself.
I have indeed: we've had Netflix for a while now. It is a very good thing indeed. My torrent suggestion was only for those in countries where it's not available through any legal means.
From what I hear, the poop is a pretty good description of the movie as a whole. But every good actor has been in something terrible.
So it's true then! You 'Mericans don't know how to make tea? NB Earl Grey tea, uniquely, is lemon flavoured tea and is never taken with creamer or milk. PS. To obtain any hot tea's full flavour, it should be allowed to stand in boiling-hot water for 5 minutes before serving. All other additives to be added to the beverage according to taste preference. The ubiquitous tea bag is a relatively modern time saving device designed for quantity rather than quality. Just sayin' - I, myself use tea bags because they're there and cheap but only in a teapot. Each to his own, so however you like it is fine by me, but no thanks, I'll pass till I get back to Old Blighty.
Gosh, that's another of my vices.... Yes please and make it an American. Can I state a color, or would that be unacceptable?
I think you might be thinking of lemon tea. That's lemon flavoured* and you don't add milk. Earl Grey is flavoured with oil of bergamot (bergamot is a kind of orange, but it's not an orangey flavour you get - it's more flowery). And you can drink it with milk (I do), although I think Captain Picard doesn't. *Thank you for spelling "flavoured" correctly. That is the most important bit.
of course. over here, it is usually light, medium or dark. but there maybe variations for latte lovers, idk.