I was hoping the baking it in the sun idea would help, but guess not. How about fly paper or tape where it usually builds its web?
Spiders eat other bugs. If the food goes away the spider leaves looking for a better place. Other bugs are attracted by food. Do you eat in your car. Food attracts ants which attracts spiders. Clean your car maybe take it to a place and vacuum and wash the carpets. Stop bringing food to the car. Spray some raid in the car after you clean it.
I live in monterey, and there's not enough sun or heat to kill the bugger (although there is enough heat so that he's not active during the day, it's probably enough heat for him to get a comfy day's rest), but I did buy some spider/bug tape trap or whatever, after a few days the spider just weaved webs around the darn thing like a playground, lol nope, I dont eat in the car and recently just vacuumed the whole thing...I doubt there's anything for the thing to eat in the car, this little bugger can live quite a while, going on a month now and he's still going strong just this morning, I had to go to work super early and I saw it for once, but as soon as the light turned on the little bugger scrambled right back under the passenger dash, so I couldn't squish it, QQ, next time I'll do a sneak attack at night when it's cool and dark and he's out and about weaving...
Spider rests near the web. Try vacuum with narrow attachment around the anchor points of the web. No success equals spray with lots of fresh air before wife rides again. Be glad a mouse has not taken up residence in the ventilation system which really can and does happen.
If you have one of those large spiders like the pic above. I would borrow a car from someone and have an exterminator come and kill that thing before it lays a bunch of eggs. and dont use the car until the poison has dissipated!
you also could stay in car at night and wait in back seat with can of Raid. if you park where there is a street light you should be able to see it when it starts doing its thing. spray it as much as you can ant get out of the car and run screeming like a girl!
^don't forget about the night vision goggles and gear up nice and good with a survival kit. As a last resort you may want to call SWAT for backup.
i think i got'em yesterday. Left a vacumm hose on the foot vent for a good while and today no web, so hopefully its gone
I was driving eastbound early this morning and the sunlight through my windshield illuminated many single strands of spider webbing reaching in all different directions across my dash and windshield. Gotta shake a fuzzy-duster all around there.
forget the fuzzy duster! I think I would do the ambush from the back seat, or call an exterminator. I would be worried that the spider will lay a bunch of eggs and then it may turn into something like you may see in a horror film.
PETA call to the Prius Forum, PETA to the Prius Forum. Tree Huggers to the side please, make room for PETA. We may have to shake down your vacum bag for the body, otherwise we'll have to go with a lesser charge of attempted spider-slaughter.
Yesterday, when I got back from the national plug-in day gathering, I popped the hood to check the oil and a little light-colored spider was walking on the engine cover, so I picked it up and tossed it into the bushes. Today, when I went to drive home from work, there was a similar spider walking on the outside of the driver's window, so I flicked it onto the ground. I haven't seen any signs of spiders on the inside of the car though.
I wonder if there is something about the design that makes it easier for spiders to crawl into the car... I don't remember ever having spiders in any of my cars before... This morning I saw some webs, and 10 minutes ago I killed the spider... Nothing particularly horrible, but I'm glad that I spotted it while driving and not my wife.