Baloney. Pure and absolute baloney. I'm nearing a half century of licensed driving, starting at age 14, and have never had a ticket. Just one written warning: officially, for an obscured license plate (by hitch-mount bicycle rack); unofficially (and quite clear from the manner of interview), having a marijuana-state plate while passing through a non-marijuana state. He must have been on alert for something specific, as a few days later, marijuana smugglers from my state severely assaulted and attempted to murder a state trooper elsewhere in that state. With today's widespread de-enforcement, it is even easier to avoid tickets now than back when I started driving. Yes, a majority of young males don't achieve this. But it isn't anywhere close to impossible.
Im not saying that its not impossible. Im saying its very difficult. There's all kinds of tickets out there and whether it is enforced depends mostly on the individual officer.
No, it isn't difficult. One just don't need to show off one's testosterone. For some -- OK, numerous -- young males, yes, this part is difficult. They don't want to drive a ticket-free defensive driving manner.
In England bad drivers can be removed from the road for life. Here you can kill a guy with your vehicle and normally get off scott free. If you are falling down drunk and kill a guy, maybe 5 years but you will get your license back later. Twice its 20 years.