btw, although Prius tends to scream Hippie Liberal, people from all walks of life drive Priuses i for one live in california, i like to shoot guns, i love turbodiesel trucks, i love dirt bikes, i love rap music / bass / subwoofers, i love sport bikes...i mean stereotypes are stupid! dont listen to those people. get new friends. and also you know what they say about BMWs and porcupines.... dont be friends with people or associate with people so simple minded and close minded and so judgemental/snobby/brand whores/ elitists. lifes too short to judge everyone critically by an invisible criteria/hierarchy, let them live their worthless life like that. no one is in any position to judge anyone for their lifestyle, car, drugs/alcohol use , maybe criminal activities but thats about it lol
I rarely catch flak from other re: my Prius. The odd time, it's from a close friend who I know are just trying to bug me. Even they, after inquiring about my mileage (and me subsequently blowing their minds), are starting to come around. I come across as self-confident, so that's maybe why people don't jump on me. No weakness to attack. I sleep great at night knowing I made the right choice for me. I don't give a flying f what others think.
I love the technology in a Prius but I hate the dorky package. My dating life would evaporate instantly if I owned one. You'll be hard pressed to find an attractive woman under 35 that isn't repulsed by them. I've non-nonchalantly asked women what they think of them. Never a positive reply. My current gal (an Audi A3 driver) thinks they are vile little dweeb mobiles. That said, I might buy one after I get married and no longer have to impress women. And after Toyota gets rid of that space-sucking confining plastic front console that separates the front seats.
If you need a car to impress women, you got bigger problems. Sorry for being harsh. Or you need to re-think what attractive is. I'd take a women who is "normal" looking with a big heart than a byotch that looks like Megan Fox.
Women of a certain caliber won't be caught dead in certain cars. It's a social status thing. "I will look bad if I am seen in this." I don't agree with women that think like that - some of my favorite cars were crapboxes, but I'd rather be laid than be right.
BTW, I live in the Bay Area too and I see a lot of cute girls driving Prius. And all the girls I've talked to give the Prius a "positive" response. "I wanna drive in the Prius!" "That's a good car.." The list goes on.
Not to be harsh but I was thinking along the same lines as Mac. I have never noticed my ability to attract women diminish no matter what kind of car I drove (Corvette or clapped out bucket of a Chevelle). Now if you are out trying to be a manwhore then I could see how driving a high end luxury car could increase your chances but if you are just looking for a good time them your appearance and skill is all you need. By the time they see your car it's too late. You got em hooked. No need to flash them keys in the club. Hell some of the most badass pimps I know drove pieces of crap that should be in a wrecking yard. If you do indeed need the car to get the girls then more power to you. I'd suggest build up your pimp status and let the ladies know it. Build it and they will come. Be like Humpty Hump. That's all you need. People say "Yo, Humpty, you're really funny lookin'" That's all right 'cause I get things cookin' Ya stare, ya glare, ya constantly try to compare me But ya can't get near me I give 'em more, see, and on the floor, B, All the girls they adore me Oh yes, ladies, I'm really bein' sincere 'Cause in a 69 my humpty nose will tickle ya rear. My nose is big, uh-uh I'm not ashamed Big like a pickle, I'm still gettin' paid I get laid by the ladies, ya know I'm in charge, Both how I'm livin' and my nose is large
When we bought our first Prius in December of 2003, people would stop me in parking lots and start talking environmentalism, liberal politics, etc. At that time, the Prius was in the news due to shortages. I was very polite, but steered the conversation to talking about the car. We are staunch political conservatives and thought we would have some fun with our personalized license plate, SHAMRAN, which means "conservative" in Hebrew (we are Hebrew speakers). That license plate was transferred to our Gen III Prius.
The heck with them all. I wouldn't let anyone affect my thoughts or feelings. Life is too short. Let it roll off your back.....
My wife drives our Prius, she loves it and so do I. I love it because it's reliable and it helps to offset the mileage of my Toyota Tundra with 5.7 V8. We use the Prius to run around town when we are together and on medium length road trips. The Prius is well built, looks very sleek, (with 17's it would look even better). My point is this: it is a great car, with obvious mileage benefits, and the quality of a Toyota. I've had the german V8 AWD sedans, they're nice, but cost a bloody fortune to purchase and maintain, plus re-sale value on luxury cars is horrendous (sp?). Anyhow, screw the haters and enjoy your Prius.
I will be first to admit that fuel cost below $4 a gallon, makes the cost difference between between a PRIUS and a really good MPG car, say Kia Spectra or equivalent small car, is not numerically justifable over say a 5yr ownership period. NOTE: A Hyundai Sonata gets EXCELLENT mileage, but that is a full size so not really apples/apples. Sure there is a "feel good" value, but that is an individual thing. Where this thing holds up is in the resale, especially when gas prices climb. Here in gas is above $4 and with one year old PRIUS go for almost as much as a new one due to the high demand and long wait to order a new ones. All and all, for this non-garnola eating, non-Burkenstock wearing, and non-tree hugging conservative, it is the smart choice. Most importantly, it is also fun to drive! (provided you get a back support pad for that driver's seat which becomes ungodly uncomfortable after about 10min)
True conservatives should rightfully embrace efficient cars like the Prius because they conserve energy and reduce our dependency on foreign oil. It's somewhat unfortunate that all the Prius commercials I've seen were designed to perpetuate the image of Prius owners as the fluffy, flowery type.