it must work really well for you to be so enthusiastic. i don't recall others feeling the same way hopefully, with positive feedback, they will make it an across the board option.
The solar panel pulls some outside air into the cabin. It produces way too little power to operate the A/C, which would be required to do any significant cooling.
At 60 Watt, you would need 53 hours of full sun exposition to recharge 3.2 KWH of the Prius Plug-in battery...without even considering conversion lost. Also, I found this interesting old article about solar panels: Kyocera offers details on solar cells used by 2010 Prius
The conversion losses would be much bigger. We already know that 220v charging is more efficient than 110v charging. (maybe by a few percent...but this might be 10-12% losses compared to 13-15% losses). Now try charging with only 12v. Maybe 25-35% losses. This is about the losses you get with phone chargers and they aren't stepping up the voltage from 12v to hundreds of volts as well. Mike
I don't mind it being an option. But I'd be miffed if it comes standard just like I am miffed I had to pay for standard heated seats and the next to useless NAV. The function of a cooler interior can be accomplished by remote AC which costs considerably less and works works as well without the added weight of the solar panel..
Dude the heated seats are genius. I've always thought them to be a useless gimmick, but after driving through a couple of days of sub-50° weather, I love being able to just keep them on and not worry about ice usage.
Meh, Long John's and a blanket. Give me back my money, Toyota! Fine, I do like them. I use them occasionally. But I can easily do without them.
The weight of the solar roof panel + the expense of said panel and production costs for a variation of actual body = no.