I still haven't folded down my rear seat. I'll have to try that. Maybe I can take a nap back there. (Alan, that's nice you take care of your Mum. I sure miss mine. I was her full-time caregiver for the last 7 years. God bless her, she had 93 good long years. World War ll veteran, U.S. Navy.)
Yes, since Dad stopped driving about 3 yrs ago due to his advancing dementia (strokes), I've been most of their transport, advisor, finance sort-er-outer etc, with help from my brother and sisters, but I'm physically closer and being single and retired, more available. The girls help out with meals which isn't my forte. Dad went into care late last year, leaving Mum in her home, and we're all helping her out to achieve her desire to continue to stay there "forever", but I do most of the taking her to appointments etc. I think you may have different headrests in the rear from us Aussies - ours won't fold forward like I heard yours do, so not sure if it will help. I imagine that the shorter you are, the more advantage from folding the back seats down - this view is from about my eye height, I'm 5'9" (shrinking) and my seat is almost at the top of its travel.
I took my rear seat headrests off and put them in the garage when I got the car home from the dealership (along with the hubcaps). My rear seats have never felt a bum as I quickly folded them down and they are out of the way.
[QUOTE="alanclarkeau, post: 2424042, member: 142812" I think you may have different headrests in the rear from us Aussies - ours won't fold forward like I heard yours do, so not sure if it will help. I imagine that the shorter you are, the more advantage from folding the back seats down - this view is from about my eye height, I'm 5'9" (shrinking) and my seat is almost at the top of its travel. View attachment 117567 [/QUOTE] My back seat looks the same, Alan. I have no concerns about seeing out the rear window. I like it. The smaller the better, so I won't see the tailgaters. My dad had many nice things to say about Australia. He spent a few months in a hospital there, in 1942, after the Battle for Guadalcanal with the 1st Marines. He lived to be 87. A good humble man/father. And when he goes to Heaven, to St. Peter he will tell... "Another Marine reporting, Sir. I've served my time in hell." God Bless the USMC.
Installed black hook next to screen to hang a a small cloth/plastic bag. Driver accessibility. If there is a passenger, I remove the bag and hide it in the back seat floor. $5 for hook, double stick tape. No damp, food items, only dry trash. Easy to dump if there is food trash. stt
I usually toss my trash into the back of any pick up truck or back seats of any convertables that pull up along side me. I keep bits of paper and gum wrappers in the front sanitary tray on top of the never to be used QI wireless phone charger, cos there's hardly any run of the mill phones that use QI.
I buy the kind of gum that doesn't come in a wrapper. It's individual pieces in a little plastic bottle.
Agree William, but some guys just gotta be fancy. (No offense intended to all you "fancy" guys. ) I find that a small plastic grocery bag hangs very nicely on the passenger side door handle. If I ever take a long long trip across country to see bisco, I will hang a bag there. But in the meantime I never have any trash.
Just got back from that wonder of profit and supply chain management, Walmart, and saw this trash can that hangs over the back of the front seat. Also available from Amazon (Prime, too). It's a Rubbermaid 3317-20 Trash Bin. It even has a removable plastic bag dispenser on the front. Nine five star reviews!
I feel quite justified in pitching organic trash out the window, things like apple cores, orange peels and french fries. But I won't do it when other cars are around, 'because I am ashamed.
do not know. I have a Nexus6 which has the Qi charging facility, but obviously, I will need to get my car to complete the system.
only thing about those behind the seat trash bags, is it is not practical for front seat driver. Driver will need to toss it on the floor, and park to dispose. Good if kids ride in the back a lot, but not useful for lone driver, or front passenger. stt