Ok, I love the design but I think $83 shipped for these tiny trash cans are crazy! Here's the link if anyone else is interested: Trash Toyota 50 System Prius Dedicated Side Box Trash L R Set SY P7 | eBay
I use mine to hold dollar coins for the car wash and for double-gulp iced teas from the 7-eleven. I too would not want to transport trash any further than necessary.
On the GII and GIII I hang a grocery plastic bag on the console (hangs in front of the back seat). For dry trash only, of course. Learned my lesson when I put an apple core in there. Car smelled like I was making hooch after a few days.
IF I ever have "trash", and that's a big if... I will simply put a plastic grocery bag on the front passenger floor. And remove it as soon as I get to where I'm going. (Cost: .10 cents.) And if anybody ever leaves trash in my Prius, they will find themselves hitchhiking home! This thread reminds me of my working days, and driving city vehicles. (Crown Vic, Explorer.) You'd open the glove box, and all kinds of crap and junk and rotting sticky stuff is crammed in there... Same with the door pockets, and the ashtrays (if it had one) and the floor in the back. Freakin' inconsiderate slobs!!!! I'd hate to see their house!!
By reading this thread, and the older one in Accessories forum, I found several possible solutions: - Just don't have trash. Does not work for me. Not only I do have trash, but also we have one car, and carpool with my wife, which makes the amount of trash x2 - Because of the same reason, dropping trash on the passenger floor does not work either. There always someone there. - Cheap cup from $1 store, or some cheap trash cup from Amazon. Does not work for me either. The space is precious in this model. There are only 2 cup holders. One for coffee, one for water. And it does not fit in the door. - Custom made trash boxes specifically for this model of Prius. This works. The price is very high (where is the competition?!) but then you get nice looking, aesthetically pleasing and functional boxes which look like part of the car. We will be in this car for some 10 to 15 years, so I will try to save on something else.
Cheaper here: ATMAX | Rakuten Global Market: Side box litter box l/r set (driver's seat-side and passenger-side applications) 50-Prius-only
good find. Looks like the same product at a fraction of the price. Although shipping doubles the price.
Oh - so that's what the other seats are for? So far, in 3 months, nobody has been in the back seat, other than the grandchildren sizing it up while parked. In fact, the back seats are folded down - give me a bit better rear vision. I have had my Mum regularly in the front passenger seat, but she's disciplined, well trained, and doesn't drink Coca-Cola.